The experimental facilities of a synchrotron radiation laboratory are called “beamlines.” They consist of one or several successive cabins where the beam is propagated from the storage ring, selected, focused, and directed toward the samples being studied. Each beamline is specialized and equipped for one or a few techniques of analysis.
Beamlines by energy range
Each beamline is specialized for an energy range. At SOLEIL, the synchrotron radiation ranges from far infrared to hard X-rays.
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- Energy range classification of the beamlines
Position along the storage ring
Find a beamline in the synchrotron building, around the storage ring ...
What is a beamline?
Dans un synchrotron, les expériences se déroulent dans des « lignes de lumière » : des laboratoires où le rayonnement est recueilli, sélectionné, focalisé et dirigé vers les échantillons à étudier.