A metrology test facility for the R&D of optical components and detectors
The objectives of this project are to design and install at the SOLEIL synchrotron radiation source a metrology test facility for the R&D of optical components and detectors. We propose to build, on a bending magnet, three optical branches dedicated to VUV, soft X-rays and hard X-rays energy ranges to cover few eV to 28 keV. This installation will first address the needs of the SOLEIL experimental groups (Optics and Detectors) and will be used by a large community. This beamline will also be valuable as a general-purpose beamline to prepare, test and set up a wide range of experiments.
Several problems will be studied at VUV or X-ray wavelengths: reflectivity measurements or gratings diffraction efficiency, scattering measurements and performance test of optical components. The use of X-ray beams for the characterization of optical surface shapes is also considered.
This project is build in collaboration with the Laboratoire National d’Essais (LNE)) and the CEA DIF. For the LNE, the metrology beamline of SOLEIL could become the national primary standard source. For the CEA DIF, the use of this beamline is very important to characterize with very high accuracy all diagnostics design for the Megajoule laser.
Beamline Status
The beamline is open to general users. Most of the instrumentation is operational. Some less demanded configurations are still under commissioning.
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Technical data
30 eV to 40 keV (monochromatic) with access to white beam radiation
Bending Magnet D05-1°
VLS Monochromator for the XUV Branch (30 eV – 1.9 keV)
2-crystal fixed exit DCM (Si 111 + Multilayer grating) Hard X-ray Branch
Si diodes
Under-vacuum two axes Goniometers
Optical table for the Hard X-ray branch
Scientific Opportunities
Major disciplines |
‐ Analysis of the photometric parameters of optical components: surface reflectivity ‐ grating and multilayer diffraction efficiency ‐ filter transmission. ‐ Detectors characterization and calibration: photosensitive devices ‐ scintillators – optical relays. ‐ Development of optics and diagnostics for X‐ray beam spatial and spectral settings. ‐ Wavefront sensing (Hartmann and Interferometry), Adaptive X‐ray Optics, X‐ray phase metrology and X‐ray phase imaging. ‐ Primary X‐ray source as calibration standard ‐ Measurement of Material optical constants (LNE). ‐ Characterization of X‐ray and Plasma Diagnostics to be implemented on the future MegaJoule Laser (CEA‐DAM). ‐ Deep X‐ray Photolithography (LIGA). |
The objectives of this project is to design and install at the SOLEIL synchrotron radiation source a metrology test facility for the R&D of optical components and detectors and to develop new instrumentation.