Transverse dynamics of the electron beam for the NANOSCOPIUM setting
Calculations were done with the TRACY III code, for the machine without any insertion device.
Dynamic aperture on momentum in the middle of the long straight injection section
Horizontal dynamic aperture off-momentum (4D calulation without synchrotron oscillation) in the middle of the long straight injection section
Experimental data fot the horizontal dynamic aperture off-momentum, for the bare machine with insertion devices
Energy acceptance (6D calculation with synchrotron oscillation) as a function of the position in the storage ring
On the positive side, the energy acceptance is limited by the high α2 value (α1 = 4.16 10-4 et α2 = 4.5 10-3). On the negative side, the limitation comes from the physical aperture of the vacuum chamber in a short straight section.
The corresponding Touschek lifetime is 47 h, determined with:
• RF voltage = 3 MV,
• current per bunch = 1.26 mA,
• transverse coupling = 1 %,
• bunch length = 6 mm (20 ps).
Vacuum contribution to the lifetime , calculated for an average pressure of 6.10-10 mbar and a total current of 430 mA, is 30 h.
The total lifetime, is calculated to be 18 h for a total current of 430 mA in hybrid mode.
Contact : P. Brunelle: