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Participants declaration

You have to declare every participants of the experiment : it is mandatory and it will give them access to the synchrotron, to possible requested support laboratories and to pay for catering with a personnal badge.

In 2019, almost 40% of participant lists had to be manually modified after the initial declaration.

List modifications entail: changes to guest house bookings, reprogramming of entry badges, cancellation and re-organisation of travel arrangement, etc.

Whereas we understand that modifications to the participants lists may be unavoidable due to circumstances, changes to these lists (sometimes several times for a session) represents a significant and unsustainable work load for SOLEIL services, with some risks of errors, considering the increasing number of modifications requests.

Consequently, only a single reopening of participants list will be allowed.

Therefore, before participants list submission, we kindly ask the Main proposer or the BAG coordinator to check that all participants’ needs are met (arrival / departure dates, guest house, financial support).

We thank you in advance for your collaboration.



Participants declaration must be submitted in the SUN set: at the latest 3 weeks before experiment for a Standard proposal or 2 weeks before experiment for a BAG proposal.

All people willing to come to SOLEIL as a participant of an experiment as to be declared in the proposal.

Participants can be different from the proposers.


Arrival and departure dates

By default participants arrival and departure dates are the same as the experiment from start to end.

If the arrival or departure date of one participants is different form the experiment dates, it as to be specify during the participants déclaration.


We urge the Main proposer to get in touch with every participant and get their arrival and departure dates before filling the particpants declaration.

Every modification made in the participant declaration is a source of possible error and late modifications might not be taken in account.



Participant declaration is the moement for accomodation requests: participants who need to stay at the Guest House have to be identified and duration has to be indicated (SOLEIL care not included).

These information have to be completed correctly by the Main proposer.


Users fundings

Depending on the research area of the proposal and the country of the participant institute some participants might be eligible for financial assistance from one of our european programs or from SOLEIL.

  • SOLEIL care is open for users coming from french institutes : up to 3 participants for a proposal (session in case of BAG proposal)

Participants coming from Ile-de-France are partially subsidized : only guest house and catering are taken over.

Participants coming from french insitutes out of Ile-de-France are fully subsidized : travel, guest house and catering.

If a proposal is carried out in a significant number of session: only the first visit is fully subsidized, the following are partially subsidized.

Please find more detailled information...

  • TransNational Acces (TNA) via European programs is possible for users coming from European institutes : up to 2 participants for a proposal.

Please find more information about ongoing TNA programs and their access procedures...