The Surface Laboratory provides apparatus to users, permitting to carry out complementary analyses on samples in the context of a project on one of the beamlines of SOLEIL.
The Surface Laboratory proposes the possibility to characterise samples complementarily to experiments carried out at the beamlines (e.g. STM). A mobile UHV-chamber to transfer samples under UHV conditions between the Laboratory and different beamlines is at disposal. Furthermore, technical assistance concerning UHV is furnished.
Stefan Kubsky (à gauche) and François Nicolas in Surface laboratory
Localisation of the laboratory
The Surface Laboratory provides apparatus to users, permitting to carry out complementary analyses on samples in the context of a project on one of the beamlines of SOLEIL.
Mode of operation
- Acces is granted by badge
- The Laboratory is accessible 24h/24h for users or scientists who demand access
- The team is present during ordinary working hours (from Monday to Friday). Upon special request, presence can be arranged beyond these hours
Request for access
- During submission using SUN set, the project leader must declare his/her intention to to use the Surface Laboratory. If the project is accepted, the project leader is invited to to contact the Scientist in charge of the Surface Laboratory.
- At the latest one month before arrival, he/she confirms the demand for access and precises the needs in terms of:
- Scientific equipment according to availability
- Chemical products and materials planned to employ
- Precision of experimental procedures envisaged to be carried out in the Laboratory
- Demand of technical support
- The request is then validated by the scientist in charge of the Surface Laboratory.
The Team proposes scientific (counsel/expertise) and technical support. An infrastructure, UHV equipment as well as preparation and analysing devices are provided:
Instruments scientifiques :
- Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) at variable temperature (VTSTM OMICRON)
- Evaporator for metals under UHV
- Manipulator permittint for heating during evaporation
- Auger-spectrometer
- Argon gun (max. 5kV)
- Spin Coater (7Ktpm)
Experimental devices:
- Mobile UHV chamber to acess different beamlines (to specify according to consultation of the beamlines: CASSIOPEE, TEMPO (PhaseI) puis SIXS, DEIMOS, ANTARES)
- Otpical microscope with CCD camera
- Binocular
- Fumehood, labtables, basin
- Laminar flow box
- Point soldering tool
- Standard UHV utilities
- Ultrasonic bath at variable tepmerature (4l)
- Technical assistance in case of problems
Security guidelines
- In the course of project submission at synchrotron SOLEIL, all chemical products and materials necessary for sample preparation must be declared on line, using the corresponding formular-cases. Equally, each sample must be identified and declared according to its nature (cf. Sample and substances declaration).
- Solely gases and chemical products approved by the Synchrotron SOLEIL security group can be employed.
- Each sample or chemical product to be manipulated needs to be labeled. The following information must be mentioned:
- Name of the product
- Date
- Project number and the telephone number of the contact person - Advice of the Laboratory team must be respected
- Individual protective measures need to be used when manipulation dangerous substances (lab coats, gloves, safety goggles work under fume hood if necessary). These will be put at disposition by the Surface laboratory team.
- Waste must be treated according to to SOLEIL site safety regulations.
- When manipulating, the presence of at least two persons in the Laboratory is mandatory.
- It is forbidden to eat or drink in the Laboratory.