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Published on 09.14.2018
Water, air… clean fuels
Over 40 billion tons of CO
are emitted every year due to human activities. What can we do with this waste? In Nature, plants capture CO
and transform it into plant material (biomass) thanks to solar energy. It’s photosynthesis. At the Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux (Orsay), the scientific team called « artificial photosynthesis » is inspired by...
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Published on 09.04.2019
Video EN 04.09.2019
What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown...
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Published on 07.04.2018
The nanoworld at SOLEIL
Video in French - The nanosciences and nanotechnologies are among the numerous scientific fields studied at the ? SOLEIL synchrotron. The beamlines concerned by the study of nanosciences and...
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Published on 01.31.2018
Legacy phosphorus
From the 1950s, the Seine, like all rivers in France, suffered the consequences of the growth of cities and agriculture intensification. Massive quantities of chemical fertilizer and wastewater...
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Published on 11.10.2017
Shedding light on tumor cells
How can a neurosurgeon be sure that he removed the totality of the tumour from his patient's brain, while preserving healthy neighbouring tissues ? To help the practitioner, researchers and...
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Published on 10.09.2017
Hair in the spotlight
Enhance the understanding of the chemical composition and the structure of tissues such as hair, skin, nails, better characterize the products themselves (shampooes, creams, their long-term stability...
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Published on 10.06.2017
VR 360° visit of SOLEIL
Visit SOLEIL ... without moving! We invite you to discover the new immersive video shot at SOLEIL. Follow our guide and enter the tunnels of the accelerators, the control room, the hall of the...
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Published on 08.01.2016
Drought means stress
Trees are suffering from global warming. Due to droughts that are too intense and too frequent, entire forest massifs are dying. Many coniferous trees could be under the spotlight. To identify the...
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Published on 06.01.2016
Bronze beauty is only skin deep
An international team of French, Italian and Slovenian scientists have deciced to develop and new, more resistant king of coating for the bronze statues of our urban property. They came at SOLEIL, on...
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Published on 02.18.2016
Dangerous bacteria
To fight against leptospirosa, scientists study the 3D shape of one these bacteria’s proteins. Molecular crystals and X-rays on PROXIMA1 beamline.
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Published on 02.18.2016
The history of light: the spectrum
Learn about the history of the discovery of different electromagnetic spectra, which have become tools for the exploration of matter and the universe as a whole.
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Published on 02.18.2016
The story of light : The light wave and the photon
From Ancient Greece to the present day, scientists have been studying light to try to penetrate the mysteries of its composition and how to measure it...
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