Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
Leroy, M.A., Bataille, A.M., Wang, Q., Fitzsimmons, M.R., Bertran, F., Le Fevre, P., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Vlad, A., Coati, A., Garreau, Y., Hauet, T., Gatel, C., Ott, F., Andrieu, S. "Enhanced magnetization at the Cr/MgO(001) interface" Applied Physics Letters., 107(25): art.n° 251602. (2015).
Sauvage-Simkin, M., Coati, A., Garreau, Y., Vlad, A., Müller, K., Bendounan, A., Kara, A. "In-Depth Atomic Structure of the Pentacene/Cu(110) Interface in the Monolayer Coverage Regime: Theory and X-ray Diffraction Results" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 118(48): 27815–27822. (2014).
Decorde, N., Sangeetha, N.M., Viallet, B., Viau, G., Grisolia, J., Coati, A., Vlad, A., Garreau, Y., Ressier, L. "Small angle X-ray scattering coupled with in situ electromechanical probing of nanoparticle-based resistive strain gauges" Nanoscale., 6(24): 15107-15116. (2014).
Dendooven, J., Devloo-Casier, K., Coati, A., Portale, G., Bras, W., Ludwig, K., Detavernier, C., IEEE "Synchrotron based in situ characterization during atomic layer deposition" Paper presented at the 12th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), Guilin, China, 28-31/10/2014. (2014).
Wilson, A., Bernard, R., Vlad, A., Borensztein, Y., Coati, A., Croset, B., Garreau, Y., Prévot, G. "Epitaxial growth of bimetallic Au-Cu nanoparticles on TiO2(110) followed in situ by scanning tunneling microscopy and grazing-incidence x-ray diffraction" Physical Review B., 90(7): art.n° 075416. (2014).
Neggache, A., Hauet, T., Bertran, F., Le Fevre, P., Petit-Watelot, S., Devolder, T., Ohresser, P., Boulet, P., Mewes, C., Maat, S., Childress, J.R., Andrieu, S. "Testing epitaxial Co1.5Fe1.5Ge(001) electrodes in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions" Applied Physics Letters., 104(25): art.n° 252412. (2014).
Hejral, U., Vlad, A., Nolte, P., Stierle, A. "In Situ Oxidation Study of Pt Nanoparticles on MgO(001)" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 117(39): 19955–19966. (2013).
Bonilla, F.J., Novikova, A., Vidal, F., Zheng, Y., Fonda, E., Demaille, D., Schuler, V., Coati, A., Vlad, A., Garreau, Y., Sauvage-Simkin, M., Dumont, Y., Hidki, S., Etgens, V.H. "Combinatorial Growth and Anisotropy Control of Self-Assembled Epitaxial Ultrathin Alloy Nanowires" ACS Nano., 7(5): 4022–4029. (2013).
Renaud, G., Garreau, Y., Betinelli, P., Tournieux, A., Bisou, J., Monteiro, P., Elattaoui, X. "Beamline fast and automatic attenuation system for X-Ray detectors at Synchrotron Soleil" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 425: art.n° 082003. (2013).
Andreazza, P., Alloyeau Damien; Mottet Christine; Ricolleau Christian "Probing nanoalloys structure and morphology by x-ray scattering and absorption methods" In Nanoalloys: 69-112: Springer, 2012. ISBN: 978-1-4471-4013-9