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Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
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E.g., 11/17/2024
Touaibia, M., Krammer, E., Shiao, T., Yamakawa, N., Wang, Q., Glinschert, A., Papadopoulos, A., Mousavifar, L., Maes, E., Oscarson, S., Vergoten, G., Lensink, M., Roy, R., Bouckaert, J. "Sites for Dynamic Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions of O- and C-Linked Mannosides on the E. coli FimH Adhesin" Molecules., 22(7): art.n° 1101. (2017).
Segovia, D., Haouz, A., Porley, D., Olivero, N., Martínez, M., Mariadassou, M., Berois, M., André-Leroux, G., Villarino, A. "OH1 from Orf virus: A new tyrosine phosphatase that displays distinct structural features and triple substrate specificity" Journal of Molecular Biology., 429(18): 2816-2824. (2017).
Planelles-Herrero, V.J., Hartman, J.J., Robert-Paganin, J., Malik, F.I., Houdusse, A. "Mechanistic and structural basis for activation of cardiac myosin force production by omecamtiv mecarbil" Nature Communications., 8: art.n° 190. (2017).
Madru, C., Leulliot, N., Lebaron, S. "La synthèse des ribosomes, au cœur du contrôle de la prolifération cellulaire" Medecine Sciences., 33(6-7): 613–619. (2017).
Arragain, S., Bimai, O., Legrand, P., Caillat, S., Ravanat, J.L., Touati, N., Binet, L., Atta, M., Fontecave, M., Golinelli-Pimpaneau, B. "Nonredox thiolation in tRNA occurring via sulfur activation by a [4Fe-4S] cluster" PNAS., 114(28): 7355-7360. (2017).
Albesa-Jové, D., Romero-García, J., Sancho-Vaello, E., Contreras, F.X., Rodrigo-Unzueta, A., Comino, N., Carreras-González, A., Arrasate, P., Urresti, S., Biarnés, X., Planas, A., Guerin, M.E. "Structural Snapshots and Loop Dynamics along the Catalytic Cycle of Glycosyltransferase GpgS" Structure., 25(7): 1034–1044.e3. (2017).
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Yu, I.M., Planelles-Herrero, V.J., Sourigues, Y., Moussaoui, D., Sirkia, H., Kikuti, C., Stroebel, D., Titus, M.A., Houdusse, A. "Myosin 7 and its adaptors link cadherins to actin" Nature Communications., 8: art.n° 15864. (2017).
Alvarez Dorta, D., Chalopin, T., Sivignon, A., De Ruyck, J., dumych, T., Bilyy, R., Deniaud, D., Barnich, N., Bouckaert, J., Gouin, S.G. "Physiochemical tuning of potent E. coli antiadhesives by microencapsulation and methylene homologation" ChemMedChem., 12(12): 986–998. (2017).
Caserta, G., Pecqueur, L., Adamska-Venkatesh, A., Papini, C., Roy, S., Artero, V., Atta, M., Reijerse, E., Lubitz, W., Fontecave, M. "Structural and functional characterization of the hydrogenase-maturation HydF protein" Nature Chemical Biology., 13(7): 779–784. (2017).