- Phonebook & CONTACTS
Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
Rouanet-Méhouas, C., Czarny, B., Beau, F., Cassar-Lajeunesse, E., Stura, E.A., Dive, V., Devel, L. "Zinc-metalloproteinase inhibitors: evaluation of the complex role played by the zinc-binding group on potency and selectivity." Journal of Medicinal Chemistry., 60(1): 403–414. (2017).
Cura, V., Marechal, N., Troffer‐Charlier, N., Strub, J.M., van Haren, M.J., Martin, N.I., Cianferani, S., Bonnefond, L., Cavarelli, J. "Structural studies of protein arginine methyltransferase 2 reveals its interactions with potential substrates and inhibitors" FEBS Journal., 284(1): 77-96. (2017).
Polsinelli, I., Savko, M., Rouanet-Méhouas, C., Ciccone, L., Nencetti, S., Orlandini, E., Stura, E.A., Shepard, W. "Comparison of helical scan and standard rotation methods in single-crystal X-ray data collection strategies" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 24(1): 42–52. (2017).
Benmansour, F., Trist, I., Coutard, B., Decroly, E., Querat, G., Brancale, A., Barral, K. "Discovery of novel dengue virus NS5 methyltransferase non-nucleoside inhibitors by fragment-based drug design" European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry., 125: 865–880. (2017).
Van Bergen, L.A.H., Alonso, M., Pallo, A., Nilsson, L., De Proft, F., Messens, J. "Revisiting sulfur H-bonds in proteins: The example of peroxiredoxin AhpE" Scientific Reports., 6: art.n° 30369 . (2016).
Trajtenberg, F., Imelio, J.A., Machado, M.R., Larrieux, N., Marti, M.A., Obal, G., Mechaly, A.E., Buschiazzo, A. "Regulation of signaling directionality revealed by 3D snapshots of a kinase:regulator complex in action" eLife., 5: art.n° e21422. (2016).
Talagas, A., Fontaine, L., Ledesma-Garca, L., Mignolet, J., Li de la Sierra-Gallay, I., Lazar, N., Aumont-Nicaise, M., Federle, M.J., Prehna, G., Hols, P., Nessler, S. "Structural Insights into Streptococcal Competence Regulation by the Cell-to-Cell Communication System ComRS" PLoS Pathogens., 12(12): art.n° e1005980. (2016).
Ciccone, L., Nencetti, S., Rossello, A., Stura, E.A., Orlandini, E. "Synthesis and structural analysis of halogen substituted fibril formation inhibitors of Human Transthyretin (TTR)" Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry., 31(Supp. 1): 40-51. (2016).
Sabin, C., Füzik, T., Škubník, K., Pálková, L., Lindberg, A.M., Plevka, P. "Structure of Aichi virus 1 and its empty particle: clues towards kobuvirus genome release mechanism" Journal of Virology., 90(23): 10800 - 10810. (2016).
Felix, J., Kandiah, E., De Munck, S., Bloch, Y., van Zundert, G.C.P., Pauwels, K., Dansercoer, A., Novanska, K., Read, R.J., Bonvin, A.M.J.J., Vergauwen, B., Verstraete, K., Gutsche, I., Savvides, S.N. "Structural basis of GM-CSF and IL-2 sequestration by the viral decoy receptor GIF" Nature Communications., 7: art.n° 13228. (2016).