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E.g., 11/17/2024
Bernhardsgrütter, I., Vögeli, B., Wagner, T., Peter, D.M., Socorro Cortina, N., Bange, G., Engilberge, S., Girard, E., Riobé, F., Maury, O., Shima, S., Zarzycki, J., Erb, T.J. "The multicatalytic compartment of propionyl-CoA synthase sequesters a toxic metabolite" Nature Chemical Biology., 14(12): 1127–1132. (2018).
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Bandyra, K.J., Wandzik, J.M., Luisi, B.F. "Substrate Recognition and Autoinhibition in the Central Ribonuclease RNase E". molecular Cell., on line first (28/09/2018): (2018).
Rinaldi, J., Fernández, I., Poth, L.M., Shepard, W.E., Savko, M., Goldbaum, F.A., Klinke, S. "Crystallization and initial X-ray diffraction analysis of the multi-domain Brucella blue light-activated histidine kinase LOV-HK in its illuminated state" Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports., 16: 39-43. (2018).
Mechaly, A.E., Haouz, A., Sassoon, N., Buschiazzo, A., Betton, J.M., Alzari, P.M. "Conformational plasticity of the response regulator CpxR, a key player in Gammaproteobacteria virulence and drug-resistance" Journal of Structural Biology., 204(2): 165-171. (2018).