- Phonebook & CONTACTS
Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
Dubrau, D., Tortorici, M.A., Rey, F.A., Tautz, N. "A positive-strand RNA virus uses alternative protein-protein interactions within a viral protease/cofactor complex to switch between RNA replication and virion morphogenesis" PLoS Pathogens., 13(2): art.n° e1006134. (2017).
Cassagnes, L.E., Rakotoarivelo, N., Sirigu, S., Pério, P., Najahi, E., Chavas, L.M.G., Thompson, A., Gayon, R., Ferry, G., Boutin, J.A., Valentin, A., Reybier, K., Nepveu, F. "Role of Quinone Reductase 2 in the Antimalarial Properties of Indolone-Type Derivatives" Molecules ., 22(2): art.n° 210. (2017).
Burger, V.M., Vandervelde, A., Hendrix, J., Konijnenberg, A., Sobott, F., Loris, R., Stultz, C.M. "Hidden States within Disordered Regions of the CcdA Antitoxin Protein" Journal of the American Chemical Society., 139(7): 2693–2701. (2017).
Adams, R., Burnley, R.J., Valenzano, C.R., Qureshi, O., Doyle, C., Lumb, S., Lopez, M.C., Griffin, R., McMillan, D., Taylor, R.D., Meier, C., Mori, P., Griffin, L.M., Wernery, U., Kinne, J., Rapecki, S., Baker, T.S., Lawson, A.D.G., Wright, M., Ettorre, A. "Discovery of a junctional epitope antibody that stabilizes IL-6 and gp80 protein:protein interaction and modulates its downstream signaling" Scientific Reports., 7: art.n° 37716. (2017).
Chebaro, Y., Sirigu, S., Amal, I., Lutzing, R., Stote, R.H., Rochette-Egly, C., Dejaegere, A. "Allosteric Regulation in the Ligand Binding Domain of Retinoic Acid Receptorγ" PLoS One., 12(1): art.n° e0171043. (2017).
Lang, J., Vigouroux, A., El Sahili, A., Kwasiborski, A., Aumont-Nicaise, M., Dessaux, Y., Shykoff, J.A., Moréra, S., Faure, D. "Fitness costs restrict niche expansion by generalist niche-constructing pathogens" ISME Journal., 11(2): 374–385. (2017).
Valencia-Gallardo, C., Bou-Nader, C., Aguilar-Salvador, D.I., Carayol, N., Quenech’Du, N., Pecqueur, L., Park, H., Fontecave, M., Izard, T., Tran Van Nhieu, G. "Shigella IpaA Binding to Talin Stimulates Filopodial Capture and Cell Adhesion" Cell Reports., 26(4): 921-932.e6. (2019).
Cura, V., Marechal, N., Troffer‐Charlier, N., Strub, J.M., van Haren, M.J., Martin, N.I., Cianferani, S., Bonnefond, L., Cavarelli, J. "Structural studies of protein arginine methyltransferase 2 reveals its interactions with potential substrates and inhibitors" FEBS Journal., 284(1): 77-96. (2017).
Rabbani, S., Krammer, E.M., Roos, G., Zalewski, A., Preston, R., Eid, S., Zihlmann, P., Prévost, M., Lensink, M.F., Thompson, A., Ernst, B., Bouckaert, J. "Mutation of Tyr137 of the universal Escherichia coli fimbrial adhesin FimH relaxes the tyrosine gate prior to mannose binding" IUCrJ., 4(1): 7-23. (2017).
Benmansour, F., Trist, I., Coutard, B., Decroly, E., Querat, G., Brancale, A., Barral, K. "Discovery of novel dengue virus NS5 methyltransferase non-nucleoside inhibitors by fragment-based drug design" European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry., 125: 865–880. (2017).