- Phonebook & CONTACTS
Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
Škubník, K., Nováček,J., Füzik,T., Přidal,A., Paxton,R.J., Plevka,P. "Structure of deformed wing virus, a major honey bee pathogen" PNAS., 114(12): 3210–3215. (2017).
Cerutti, M.L., Otero, L.H., Smal, C., Pellizza, L., Goldbaum, F.A., Klinke, S., Aran, M. "Structural and functional characterization of a cold adapted TPM-domain with ATPase/ADPase activity" Journal of Structural Biology., 197(3): 201-209. (2017).
Nuti, E., Rosalia, L., Cuffaro, D., Camodeca, C., Giacomelli, C., Da Pozzo, E., Tuccinardi, T., Costa, B., Antoni, C., Vera, L., Ciccone, L., Orlandini, E., Nencetti, S., Dive, V., Martini, C., Stura, E.A., Rossello, A. "Bifunctional Inhibitors as a new tool to reduce cancer cell invasion by impairing MMP-9 homodimerization." ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters., 8(3): 293–298. (2017).
Baquero, E., Albertini, A.A., Raux, H., Abou-Hamdan, A., Boeri-Erba, E., Ouldali, M., Buonocore, L., Rose, J.K., Lepault, J., Bressanelli, S., Gaudin, Y. "Structural intermediates in the fusion-associated transition of vesiculovirus glycoprotein" EMBO Journal., 36(5): 679–692. (2017).
San Martin, F., Mechaly, A.E., Larrieux, N., Wunder, E.A., Ko, A.I., Picardeau, M., Trajtenberg, F., Buschiazzo, A. "Crystallization of FcpA from Leptospira, a novel flagellar protein that is essential for pathogenesis" Acta Crystallographica F., 73(3): 123-129. (2017).
Spurny, R., Přidal, A., Pálková, L., Tran Kiem, H.K., de Miranda, J.R., Plevka, P. "Virion structure of black queen cell virus, a common honeybee pathogen" Journal of Virology., 91(6): art.n° e02100-16. (2017).
Fédry, J., Liu, Y., Péhau-Arnaudet, G., Pei, J., Li, W., Tortorici, M.A., Traincard, F., Meola, A., Bricogne, G., Grishin, N.V., Snell, W.J., Rey, F.A., Krey, T. "The Ancient Gamete Fusogen HAP2 Is a Eukaryotic Class II Fusion Protein" Cell., 168(5): 904–915.e10. (2017).
Frémont, S., Hammich, H., Bai, J., Wioland, H., Klinkert, K., Rocancourt, M., Kikuti, C., Stroebel, D., Romet-Lemonne, G., Pylypenko, O., Houdusse, A., Echard, A. "Oxidation of F-actin controls the terminal steps of cytokinesis" Nature Communications., 8: art.n° 14528. (2017).
Fuentes-Pérez, M.E., Núñez-Ramírez, R., Martín-González, A., Juan-Rodríguez, D., Llorca, O., Moreno-Herrero, F., Oliva, M.A. "TubZ filament assembly dynamics requires the flexible C-terminal tail" Scientific Reports., 7: art.n° 43342 . (2017).
Collie, G.W., Bailly, R., Pulka-Ziach, K., Lombardo, C.M., Mauran, L., Taib-Maamar, N., Dessolin, J., Mackereth, C.D., Guichard, G. "Molecular recognition within the cavity of a foldamer helix bundle: encapsulation of primary alcohols in aqueous conditions". Journal of the American Chemical Society., on line first (27/02/2017): (2017).