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Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
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E.g., 02/03/2025
Miron, C., Robert, E., Nicolas, C., Morin, P. "Hydrogen mobility induced by core excitation". Paper presented at the . JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA 156: XXIX-XXIX. (2007).
Mocellin, A., Wiesner, K., Sorensen, S.L., Miron, C., Le Guen, K., Ceolin, D., Simon, M., Morin, P., Bueno Machado, A., Björneholmb, O., de Brito, A.N. "Site selective dissociation upon core ionization of ozone" Chemical Physics Letters., 435(4-6): 214-218. (2007).
Plenge, J., Nicolas, C., Caster, A.G., Ahmed, M., Leone, S.R. "Two-color visible/vacuum ultraviolet photoelectron imaging dynamics of Br2" Journal of Chemical Physics., 125(13): art.n° 133315. (2006).
Fink, R.F., Eschner, A., Magnuson, M., Björneholm, O., Hjelte, I., Miron, C., Bassler, M., Svensson, S., Piancastelli, M.N., Sorensen, S.L. "Specific production of very long-lived core-excited sulfur atoms by 2p-1?* excitation of the OCS molecule followed by ultrafast dissociation" Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 39(12): L269-L275. (2006).
Miron, C. "Current status of the project and new opportunities offered for Atomic and Molecular Science at SOLEIL" Paper presented at the Synchrotron Radiation Users Meeting 2006 - Satellite Session 5 - Chemical Physics 12-13 September 2006. (2006).
Miron, C., Nahon, L. "Meeting Report: New Trends in Gas Phase VUV/Soft X-ray High-resolution Spectroscopies at SOLEIL" Synchrotron Radiation News., 19(1): 20-21. (2006).
Le Guen, K., Ahmad, M., Céolin, D., Lablanquie, P., Miron, C., Penent, F., Morin, P., Simon, M. "Influence of formation path on the CH2BrCl2+ dissociation dynamics" Journal of Chemical Physics., 123(8): art.n° 084302. (2005).
Miron, C. "Intramolecular chemical reactivity stimulated by nuclear motion following core excitation" Paper presented at the 7th International Workshop on Photoionisation (IWP 2005). 27-31. (2005).
Céolin, D., Chaplier, G., Lemonnier, M., Garcia, G.A., Miron, C., Nahon, L., Simon, M., Leclercq, N., Morin, P. "High spatial resolution two-dimensional position sensitive detector for the performance of coincidence experiments" Review of Scientific Instruments., 76(4): art.n° 043302. (2005).
Ceolin, D., Miron, C., Le Guen, K., Guillemin, R., Morin, P., Shigemasa, E., Millié, P., Ahmad, M., Lablanquie, P., Penent, F., Simon, M. "Photofragmentation study of hexamethyldisiloxane following core ionization and direct double ionization" Journal of Chemical Physics., 123(23): art.n° 234303. (2005).