Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
Liu, J.C., Nicolas, C., Sun, Y.P., Flammini, R., O’Keeffe, P., Avaldi, L., Morin, P., Kimberg, V., Kosugi, N., Gel’mukhanov, F., Miron, C. "Multimode Resonant Auger Scattering from the Ethene Molecule" Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 115(18): 5103–5112. (2011).
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Travnikova, O, Liu, J.C., Lindblad, A., Nicolas, C., Söderström, J., Kimberg, V., Gel’mukhanov, F., Miron, C. "Circularly Polarized X Rays: Another Probe of Ultrafast Molecular Decay Dynamics" Physical Review Letters., 105(23): art.n° 233001. (2010).
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