Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
Giuliani, A., Milosavljevic, A.R., Hinsen, K., Canon, F., Nicolas, C., Réfregiers, M., Nahon, L. "Structure and Charge-State Dependence of the Gas-Phase Ionization Energy of Proteins" Angewandte Chemie International Edition., 51(38): 9552–9556. (2012).
Céolin, D., Travnikova, O, Bao, Z., Guimarães, F.F., da Costa, M.S., Velkov, Y., Sisourat, N., Carniato, S., Simon, M., Piancastelli, M.N. "Site-selective resonant Auger spectroscopy of iso-dichloroethylene at the carbon K-edge" Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena., 185(8-9): 252-258. (2012).
Travnikova, O, Børve, K., Patanen, M., Söderström, J., Miron, C., Sæthre, L.J., Mårtensson, N., Svensson, S. "The ESCA molecule - historical remarks and new results" Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena., 185(8-9): 191–197. (2012).
Kukk, E., Ueda, K., Miron, C. "Recoil and related effects in molecular photoemission" Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena., 185(8-9): 278-284. (2012).
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Nicolas, C., Miron, C. "Lifetime broadening of core-excited and -ionized states" Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena., 185(8-9): 267-272. (2012).
Iablonskyi, D., Patanen, M., Aksela, S., Aksela, H. "Changes in the 5d photoionization spectra between atomic and solid Pb" Physical Review B., 86(4): art.n° 041101. (2012).
Söderström, J., Mårtensson, N., Travnikova, O, Patanen, M., Miron, C., Sæthre, L.J., Børve, K.J., Rehr, J.J., Kas, J.J., Vila, F.D., Thomas, T.D., Svensson, S. "Nonstoichiometric Intensities in Core Photoelectron Spectroscopy" Physical Review Letters., 108(19): art.n° 193005. (2012).
Milosavljevic, A.R., Canon, F., Nicolas, C., Miron, C., Nahon, L., Giuliani, A. "Gas Phase Protein Inner-Shell Spectroscopy by Coupling an Ion Trap with a Soft X-ray Beamline" Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters., 3(9): 1191–1196. (2012).
Blancard, C., Cossé, P., Faussurier, G., Bizau, J.M., Cubaynes, D., El Hassan, H., Guilbaud, S., Al Shorman, M.M., Robert, E., Liu, X.J., Nicolas, C., Miron, C. "L-shell photoionization of Ar+ to Ar3+ ions" Physical Review A., 85(4): art.n° 043408. (2012).