Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
Lagarde, B., Bordessoule, M., Cauchon, G., Dallé, D., Desjardins, K., Hustache, S., Miron, C., Nicolas, C., Polack, F., "A high resolution soft X-ray scintillation detector based on the Young-Weierstrass points of a lens shaped YAG crystal" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 425: art.n° 152002. (2013).
Travnikova, O, Kimberg, V., Flammini, R., Liu, X.J., Patanen, M., Nicolas, C., Svensson, S., Miron, C. "On Routes to Ultrafast Dissociation of Polyatomic Molecules" Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters., 4(14): 2361-2366. (2013).
Patanen, M., Travnikova, O, Zahl, M.G., Söderström, J., Decleva, P., Thomas, T.D., Svensson, S., Mårtensson, N., Børve, K.J., Sæthre, L.J., Miron, C. "Laboratory-frame electron angular distributions: Probing the chemical environment through intramolecular electron scattering" Physical Review A., 87(6): art.n° 063420. (2013).
Patanen, M., Nicolas, C., Liu, X.J., Travnikova, O, Miron, C. "Structural characterization of small Xe clusters using their 5s correlation satellite electron spectrum" PCCP - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics., 15(25): 10112-10117. (2013).
Fukuzawa, H., & al. "Deep Inner-Shell Multiphoton Ionization by Intense X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Pulses" Physical Review Letters., 110(17): art.n° 173005. (2013).
Mårtensson, N., Soderstrom, J., Svensson, S., Travnikova, O, Patanen, M., Miron, C., Sæthre, L. J., Børve, K.J., Thomas, T. D., Kas, J.J., Vila, F.D., Rehr, J.J. "On the relation between X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and XAFS" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 430: art.n° 012131. (2013).
Couprie, M.E., Benabderrahmane, C., Betinelli, P., Bouvet, F., Buteau, A., Cassinari, L., Daillant, J., Denard, J.C., Eymard, P., Gagey, B., Herbeaux , C., Lagarde, B., Lestrade, A., Loulergue, A., Marchand, P., Marlats, J.L., Miron, C., Nadji, A., Polack, F., Pruvost, J.B., Ribeiro, F., Ricaud, J.P., Roy, P., Tanikawa, T., Roux, R., Bielawski, S., Evain, C., Szwaj, C., Lambert, G., Lifschitz, A., Malka, V., Lehe, R., Rousse, A., Ta Phuoc, K., Thaury, C., Devanz, G., Luong, M., Carré, B., Lebec, G., Farvacque, L., Dubois, A., Lüning, J., "The LUNEX5 project in France" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 425: art.n° 072001. (2013).
Valleau, M., Benabderrahmane, C., Chubar, O., Marteau, F., Belkhou, R., Miron, C., Rueff, J.P., Couprie, M.E. "Comparison between measured and simulated X-ray flux from different undulators at SOLEIL" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 425: art.n° 032015. (2013).
Lagarde, B., Sirotti, F., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Miron, C., Polack, F. "On the contribution of gratings with laterally graded groove depths to the design and performances of SOLEIL soft X-ray monochromators" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 425: art.n° 152022. (2013).
Kimberg, V., Lindblad, A., Söderström, J., Travnikova, O, Nicolas, C., Sun, Y.P., Gel'-mukhanov, F., Kosugi, N., Miron, C. "Single-Molecule X-Ray Interferometry: Controlling Coupled Electron-Nuclear Quantum Dynamics and Imaging Molecular Potentials by Ultrahigh-Resolution Resonant Photoemission and Ab Initio Calculations" Physical Review X., 3(1): art.n° 011017. (2013).