Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
Huttula, M., Huttula, S.M., Fritzsche, S., Lablanquie, P., Penent, F., Palaudoux, J., Andric, L. "Core-valence double photoionization of atomic mercury" Physical Review A., 89(1): art.n° 013411. (2014).
Lindblad, A., Söderström, J., Nicolas, C., Robert, E., Miron, C. "A multi purpose source chamber at the PLEIADES beamline at SOLEIL for spectroscopic studies of isolated species: Cold molecules, clusters, and nanoparticles" Review of Scientific Instruments., 84(11): art.n° 113105. (2013).
Mondal, S., Fukuzawa, H., Motomura, K., Tachibana, T., Nagaya, K., Sakai, T., Matsunami, K., Yase, S., Yao, M., Wada, S., Hayashita, H., Saito, N., Callegari, C., Prince, K.C., O'Keeffe, P., Bolognesi, P., Avaldi, L., Miron, C., Nagasono, M., Togashi, T., Yabashi, M., Ishikawa, K.L., Sazhina, I.P., Kazansky, A.K., Kabachnik, N.M., Ueda, K. "Photoelectron angular distributions in infrared one-photon and two-photon ionization of FEL-pumped Rydberg states of helium" Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 46(20): art.n° 205601. (2013).
Ueda, K., Miron, C., Plésiat, E., Argenti, L., Patanen, M., Kooser, K., Ayuso, D., Mondal, S., Kimura, M., Sakai, K., Travnikova, O, Palacios, A., Decleva, P., Kukk, E., Martin, F. "Intramolecular photoelectron diffraction in the gas phase" Journal of Chemical Physics., 139(12): art.n° 124306. (2013).
Al Shorman, M.M., Gharaibeh, M.F., Bizau, J.M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, P., El Hassan, H., Miron, C., Nicolas, C., Robert, E., Sakho, I., Blancard, C., McLaughlin, B.M. "K-shell photoionization of Be-like and Li-like ions of atomic nitrogen: experiment and theory" Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 46(19): art.n° 195701. (2013).
Kukk, E., Ayuso, D., Thomas, T. D., Decleva, P., Patanen, M., Argenti, L., Plésiat, E., Palacios, A., Kooser, K., Travnikova, O., Mondal, S., Kimura, M., Sakai, K., Miron, C., Martin, F., Ueda, K. "Effects of molecular potential and geometry on atomic core-level photoemission over an extended energy range: The case study of the CO molecule" Physical Review A., 88(3): art.n° 033412. (2013).
Kushawaha, R.K., Patanen, M., Guillemin, R., Journel, L., Miron, C., Simon, M., Piancastelli, M.N., Skates, C., Decleva, P. "From double-slit interference to structural information in simple hydrocarbons" PNAS., 110(38): 15201-15206. (2013).
Miron, C. "Comment suivre à la trace les mouvements des atomes dans les gaz ?" Reflets de la Physique., (34-35): 81-83. (2013).
Motomura, K., Fukuzawa, H., Son, S.K., Mondal, A., Tachibana, T., Ito, Y., Kimura, H., Nagaya, K., Sakai, T., Matsunami, K., Wada, S., Hayashita, H., Kajikawa, J., Liu, X.J., Feifel, R., Johnsson, P., Siano, M., Kukk, E., Rudek, B., Erk, B., Foucar, L., Robert, E., Miron, C., Tono, K., Inubushi, Y., Hatsui, T., Yabashi, M., Yao, M., Santra, R., Ueda, K. "Sequential multiphoton multiple ionization of atomic argon and xenon irradiated by x-ray free-electron laser pulses from SACLA" Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 46(16): art.n° 164024. (2013).
Iwayama, H., Nagaya, K., Yao, M., Fukuzawa, H., Liu, X.J., Prümper, G., Motomura, K., Ueda, K., Saito, N., Rudenko, A., Foucar, L., Nagasono, M., Higashiya, A., Yabashi, M., Ishikawa, T, Ohashi, H., Kimura, H. "Frustration of photoionization of Ar nanoplasma produced by extreme ultraviolet FEL pulses" Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 46(16): art.n° 164019. (2013).