Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
Unger, I., Saak, C.M., Salter, M., Zieger, P., Patanen, M., Björneholm, O. "The Influence of Organic Acids on the Surface Composition of Sea Spray Aerosol". Journal of Physical Chemistry A., on line first (16/12/2019): (2019).
Berrah, N., Sanchez-Gonzalez, A., Jurek, Z., Obaid, R., Xiong, H., Squibb, R.J., Osipov, T., Lutman, A., Fang, L., Barillot, T.R., Bozek, J.D., Cryan, J.P., Wolf, T.J.A., Rolles, D., Coffee, R., Schnorr, K., Augustin, S., Fukuzawa, H., Motomura, K., Niebuhr, N., Frasinski, L.J., Feifel, R., Schulz, C.P., Toyota, K., Son, S.K., Ueda, K., Pfeifer, T., Marangos, J.P., Santra, R. "Femtosecond-resolved observation of the fragmentation of buckminsterfullerene following X-ray multiphoton ionization". Nature Physics., on line first (01/10/2019): (2019).
Forbes, R., De Fanis, A., Bomme, C., Rolles, D., Pratt, S.T., Powis, I., Besley, N.A., Simon, M., Nandi, S., Milosavljević,A.R., Nicolas,C., Bozek, J.D., Underwood,J.G., Holland, D.M.P. "Photoionization of the iodine 3d, 4s, and 4p orbitals in methyl iodide" Journal of Chemical Physics., 149(14): art.n° 144302. (2018).
Pande, K., Donatelli, J.J., Malmerberg, E., Foucar, L., Poon, B.K., Sutter, M., Botha, S., Basu, S., Doak, R., Dörner, K., Epp, S.W., Englert, L., Fromme, R., Hartmann, E., Hartmann, R., Hauser, G., Hattne, J., Hosseinizadeh, A., Kassemeyer, S., Lomb, L., Montero, S.F.C., Menzel, A., Rolles, D., Rudenko, A., Seibert, M.M., Sierra, R.G., Schwander, P., Ourmazd, A., Fromme, P., Sauter, N.K., Bogan, M., Bozek, J., Bostedt, C., Schlichting, I., Kerfeld, C.A., Zwart, P.H. "Free-electron laser data for multiple-particle fluctuation scattering analysis." Scientific Data., 5: art.n° 180201. (2018).
Holzmeier, F., Bello, R.Y., Hervé, M., Achner, A., Baumann, T.M., Meyer, M., Finetti, P., Di Fraia, M., Gauthier, D., Roussel, E., Plekan, O., Richter, R., Prince, K.C., Callegari, C., Bachau, H., Palacios, A., Martín, F., Dowek, D. "Control of H2 Dissociative Ionization in the Nonlinear Regime Using Vacuum Ultraviolet Free-Electron Laser Pulses" Physical Review Letters., 121(10): art.n° 103002. (2018).
Forbes, R., De Fanis, A., Bomme, C., Rolles, D., Pratt, S.T., Powis, I., Besley, N.A., Nandi, S., Milosavljević, A.R., Nicolas, C., Bozek, J.D., Underwood, J.G., Holland, D.M.P. "Auger electron angular distributions following excitation or ionization of the I 3d level in methyl iodide" Journal of Chemical Physics., 149(9): art.n° 094304. (2018).
Bello, R.Y., Canton, S.E., Jelovina, D., Bozek, J.D., Rude, B., Smirnova, O., Ivanov, M.Y. "Reconstruction of the time-dependent electronic wave packet arising from molecular autoionization" Science Advances., 4(8): art.n° eaat3962. (2018).
Powis, I., Menzies, R.C., Holland, D.M.P., Trofimov, A.B., Skitnevskaya, A.D., Gromov, E.V., Antonsson, E., Patanen, M., Nicolas, C., Miron, C. "Photoionization dynamics of cis-dichloroethene from investigation of vibrationally resolved photoelectron spectra and angular distributions" Journal of Chemical Physics., 149(7): art.n° 074305. (2018).
Trofimov, A.B., Powis, I., Menzies, R.C., Holland, D.M.P., Antonsson, E., Patanen, M., Nicolas, C., Miron, C., Skitnevskaya, A.D., Gromov, E.V., Köppel, H. "An experimental and theoretical study of the photoelectron spectra of cis-dichloroethene: Valence shell vertical ionization and vibronic coupling in the low-lying cationic states" Journal of Chemical Physics., 140(7): art.n° . (2018).
Kumagai, Y., Fukuzawa, H., Motomura, K., Iablonskyi, D., Nagaya, K., Wada, S.I., Ito, Y., Takanashi, T., Sakakibara, Y., You, D., Nishiyama, T., Asa, K., Sato, Y., Umemoto, T., Kariyazono, K., Kukk, E., Kooser, K., Nicolas, C., Miron, C., Asavei, T., Neagu, L., Schöffler, M.S., Kastirke, G., Liu, X.J., Owada, S., Katayama, T., Togashi, T., Tono, K., Yabashi, M., Golubev, N.V., Gokhberg, K., Cederbaum, L.S., Kuleff, A.I., Ueda, K. "Following the Birth of a Nanoplasma Produced by an Ultrashort Hard-X-Ray Laser in Xenon Clusters" Physical Review X., 8(3): art.n° 031034. (2018).