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Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
E.g., 03/04/2025
E.g., 03/04/2025
Guerin, L., Kong, Q., Khakhulin, D., Cammarata, M., Ihee, H., Wulff, M. "Tracking Atomic Positions in Molecular Reactions by Picosecond X-ray Scattering at the ESRF" Synchrotron Radiation News., 25(2): 25-31. (2012).
Hubert, F., Testard, F., Thill, A., Kong, Q., Tache, O., Spalla, O. "Growth and Overgrowth of Concentrated Gold Nanorods: Time Resolved SAXS and XANES" Crystal Growth & Design., 12(3): 1548–1555. (2012).
Kong, Q., Kjaer, K.S., Haldrup, K., Sauer, S.P.A., Brandt van Driel, T., Christensen, M., Nielsen, M.M., Wulff, M. "Theoretical Study of the Triplet Excited State of PtPOP and the Exciplexes M-PtPOP (M=Tl, Ag) in Solution and Comparison with Ultrafast X-ray Scattering Results" Chemical Physics., 393(1): 117-122. (2012).
Coppari, F., Polian, A., Menguy, N., Trapananti, A., Congeduti, A., Newville, M., Prakapenka, V.B., Choi, Y., Principi, E., Di Cicco, A. "Pressure-induced transformations in amorphous Si-Ge alloy" Physical Review B., 85(4): art.n° 045201. (2012).
Kong, Q., Baudelet, F., Han,J., Chagnot, S., Barthe, L., Headspith, J., Goldsbrough, R., Picca, F., Spalla, O. "Microsecond time-resolved energy-dispersive EXAFS measurement and its application to film the thermolysis of (NH4)2[PtCl6]" Scientific Reports., 2: art.n° 1018. (2012).
Rodolakis, F., Rueff, J.P., Sikora, M., Alliot, I., Itie, J.P., Baudelet, F., Ravy, S., Wzietek, P., Hansmann, P., Toschi, A., Haverkort, M.W., Sangiovanni, G., Held, K., Metcalf, P., Marsi, M. "Evolution of the electronic structure of a Mott system across its phase diagram: X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of (V1-xCrx)2O3" Physical Review B., 84(24): art.n° 245113. (2011).
Cafun, J.D., Cartier dit Moulin, C., Fornasieri, G., Arrio, M.A., Briois, V., Bleuzen, A. "A chemical model of intermediate states implied in the switching properties of CoFe Prussian blue analogues: how a cell parameter lengthening can cause a crystal field parameter increase" New Journal of Chemistry., 35(10): 2074-2080. (2011).
Ruiz-Fuertes, J., Friedrich, A., Pellicer-Porres, J., Errandonea, D., Segura, A., Morgenroth, W., Haussühl, E., Tu, C.Y., Polian, A. "Structure Solution of the High-Pressure Phase of CuWO4 and Evolution of the Jahn–Teller Distortion" Chemistry of Materials., 23(18): 4220–4226. (2011).
Torchio, R., Monza, A., Baudelet, F., Pascarelli, S., Mathon, O., Pugh, E., Antonangeli, D., Itié, J.P. "Pressure-induced collapse of ferromagnetism in cobalt up to 120 GPa as seen via x-ray magnetic circular dichroism" Physical Review B., 84(6): art.n° 060403. (2011).
Mao, Y., Kong, Q., Guo, B., Fang, X., Guo, X., Shen, L., Armand, M., Wang, Z., Chen, L. "Polypyrrole-iron-oxygen coordination complex as high performance lithium storage material" Energy & Environmental Science., 4(9): 3442-3447. (2011).