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Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
E.g., 03/04/2025
E.g., 03/04/2025
Spalla, O., Testard, F., Han, J., Abecassis, B., Kong, Q., E. Constant, P. Martin et H. Bachau, UVX "Cinétique et mécanisme de croissance de nanoparticules d'or suivis par UV SAXS and XANES" Paper presented at the UVX 2012 - 11e Colloque sur les Sources Cohérentes et Incohérentes UV, VUV et X ; Applications et Développements Récents, Biarritz, France, 12-15 juin 2012. E. Constant, P. Martin et H. Bachau, art.n° 01010. (2013).
Gervais, C., Languille, M.A., Reguer, S., Gillet, M., Vicenzi, E.P., Chagnot, S., Baudelet, F., Bertrand, L. "“Live” Prussian blue fading by time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy" Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing., 111(1): 15-22. (2013).
Cochain, B., Neuville, D.R., de Ligny, D., Malki, M., Testemale, D., Pinet, O., Richet, L. "Dynamics of iron-bearing borosilicate melts: Effects of melt structure and composition on viscosity, electrical conductivity and kinetics of redox reactions" Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids., 373-374: 18–27. (2013).
Lee, J.H., Wulff, M., Bratos, S., Petersen, J., Guerin, L., Leicknam, J.C., Cammarata, M., Kong, Q., Kim, J., Møller, K.B., Ihee, H. "Filming birth of molecules and solvent rearrangement." Journal of the American Chemical Society., 135(8): 3255–3261. (2013).
Cochain, B., Pinet, O., Richet, L. "Diffusion of sodium ions driven by charge compensation as the rate-limiting step of internal redox reactions" Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids., 365: 23–26. (2013).
Ouvrard, G., Zerrouki, M., Soudan, P., Lestriez, B., Masquelier, C., Morcrette, M., Hamelet, S., Belin, S., Flank, A.M., Baudelet, F. "Heterogeneous behaviour of the lithium battery composite electrode LiFePO4" Journal of Power Sources., 229(1): 16-21. (2013).
Itié, J.P., Baudelet, F., Briois, V., Elkaim, E., Nadji, A., Thiaudiere, D., Philippe Goudeau, René Guinebretière "Synchrotron Radiation: Instrumentation in Condensed Matter" In X-Rays and Materials: 1-47: Wiley, 2012. ISBN: 9781848213425
Hallmann, J., More, R., Morgenroth, W., Paulmann, C., Kong, Q., Wulff, M., Techert, S. "Evidence for point transformations in photoactive molecular crystals by the photoinduced creation of diffuse diffraction patterns." Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 116(36): 10996–11003. (2012).
Martinez, A., Romero, J.J., Bartolomé, F., Garcia, L.M., Baudelet, F., Hernando, A., Crespo, P. "Pressure effects on the magnetic properties of FeCuZr studied by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism: Evidence of weakening of ferromagnetism in FeCuZr alloys" Applied Physics Letters., 101(2): art.n° 022412. (2012).
Cafun, J.D., Lejeune, J., Baudelet, F., Dumas, P., Itié, J.P., Bleuzen, A. "Room-Temperature Photoinduced Electron Transfer in a Prussian Blue Analogue under Hydrostatic Pressure" Angewandte Chemie International Edition., 51(36): 9146-9148. (2012).