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Haldrup, K., Christensen, M., Cammarata, M., Kong, Q., Wulff, M., Mariager, S.O., Bechgaard, K., Feidenhans'l, R., Harrit, N., Nielsen, M.M. "Structural Tracking of a Bimolecular Reaction in Solution by Time-Resolved X-Ray Scattering" Angewandte Chemie International Edition., 48(23): 4180 - 4184. (2009).
Neuville, D.R., de Ligny, D., Cormier, L., Henderson, G.S., Roux, J., Flank, A.M., Lagarde, P. "The crystal and melt structure of spinel and alumina at high temperature: an in-situ XANES study at the Al and Mg K-edge" Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta., 73(11): 3410-3422. (2009).
Coppari, F., Di Cicco, A., Congeduti, A., Chervin, J.C., Baudelet, F., Polian, A. "Amorphous germanium under high-pressure conditions" High Pressure Research., 29(1): 103-107. (2009).
Rodolakis, F., Mansart, B., Papalazarou, E., Gorovikov, S., Vilmercati, P., Petaccia, L., Goldoni, A., Rueff, J.P., Lupi, S., Metcalf, P., Marsi, M. "Quasiparticles at the Mott Transition in V2O3: Wave Vector Dependence and Surface Attenuation" Physical Review Letters., 102(6): art.n° 066805. (2009).
Christensen, M., Haldrup, K., Bechgaard, K., Feidenhans’l, R., Kong, Q., Cammarata, M., Lo Russo, M., Michael Wulff,, Harrit, N., Meedom Nielsen, M. "Time-Resolved X-ray Scattering of an Electronically Excited State in Solution. Structure of the 3A2u State of Tetrakis-µ-pyrophosphitodiplatinate(II)" Journal of the American Chemical Society., 131(2): 502-508. (2009).
Cammarata, M., Eybert, L., Ewald, F., Reichenbach, W., Wulff, M., Anfinrud, P., Schotte, F., Plech, A., Kong, Q., Lorenc, M., Lindenau, B., Räbiger, J., Polachowski, S. "Chopper system for time resolved experiments with synchrotron radiation" Review of Scientific Instruments., 80(1): art.n° 015101. (2009).
Bleuzen, A., Cafun, J.D., Bachschmidt, A., Verdaguer, M., Münsch, P., Baudelet, F., Itié, J.P. "CoFe Prussian Blue Analogues under Variable Pressure. Evidence of Departure from Cubic Symmetry: X-ray Diffraction and Absorption Study" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 112(45): 17709–17715. (2008).
Di Cicco, A., Congeduti, A., Coppari, F., Chervin, J.C., Baudelet, F., Polian, A. "Interplay between morphology and metallization in amorphous-amorphous transitions" Physical Review B., 78(3): art.n° 033309. (2008).
Cochain, B., Neuville, D.R., de Ligny, D., Cormier, L., Roux, J., Baudelet, F., Pinet, O., Richet, P. "Kinetics and mechanisms of Iron redox reactions in silicate glasses and melts: A XANES study" Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta., 72(12): A-170. (2008).
Neuville, D.R., Cormier, L., de Ligny, D., Roux, J., Flank, A.M., Lagarde, P. "Environments around Al, Si, and Ca in aluminate and aluminosilicate melts by X-ray absorption spectroscopy at high temperature" American Mineralogist., 93(1): 228-234. (2008).