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Pellicer-Porres, J., Segura, A., Munoz, A., Polian, A., Congeduti, A. "Bond length compressibility in hard ReB2 investigated by x-ray absorption under high pressure" Journal of Physics Condensed Matter., 22(4): art.n° 045701. (2010).
Rodolakis, F., Hansmann, P., Rueff, J.P., Toschi, A., Haverkort, M.W., Sangiovanni, G., Held, K., Sikora, M., Congeduti, A., Itié, J.P., Baudelet, F., Metcalf, P., Marsi, M. "Electronic correlations in V2O3 studied with K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 190: art.n° 012092. (2009).
Cochain, B., Neuville, D.R., de Ligny, D., Roux, J., Baudelet, F., Strukelj, E., Richet, P. "Kinetics of iron redox reaction in silicate melts: A high temperature Xanes study on an alkali basalt" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 190: art.n° 012182. (2009).
de Ligny, D., Neuville, D.R., Flank, A.M., Lagarde, P. "Structure of spinel at high temperature using in-situ XANES study at the Al and Mg K-edge" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 190: art.n° 012178. (2009).
Nataf, L., Decremps, F., Chervin, J.C., Mathon, O., Pascarelli, S., Kamarád, J., Baudelet, F., Congeduti, A., Itié, J.P. "High-pressure magnetic study of Fe-Ni and Fe-Pt Invar alloys" Physical Review B., 80(13): art.n° 134404. (2009).
Coppari, F., Chervin, J.C., Congeduti, A., Lazzeri, M., Polian, A., Principi, E., Di Cicco, A. "Pressure-induced phase transitions in amorphous and metastable crystalline germanium by Raman scattering, x-ray spectroscopy, and ab initio calculations" Physical Review B., 80(11): art.n° 115213. (2009).
Kim, T.K., Lee, J.H., Wulff, M., Kong, Q., Lhee, H. "Spatiotemporal Kinetics in Solution Studied by Time-Resolved X-Ray Liquidography (Solution Scattering)" ChemPhysChem., 10(12): 1958-1980. (2009).
Baudelet, F., Mathon, O., Polian, A., Kappler, J.P., Pascarelli, S. "Magnetic and crystallographic characterization of Pt3MnxCr1-x by XMCD and x-ray diffraction" Journal of Physics Condensed Matter., 21(34): art.n° 346003. (2009).
Trichês, D.M., Souza, S.M., de Lima, J. C., Grandi, T.A., Campos, C.E.M., Polian, A., Itié, J.P., Baudelet, F., Chervin, J.C. "High-pressure phase transformation of nanometric ZnSb prepared by mechanical alloying" Journal of Applied Physics., 106(1): art.n° 013509. (2009).
de Ligny, D., Neuville, D.R., Cormier, L., Roux, J., Henderson, G.S., Panczer, G., Shoval, S., Flank, A.M., Lagarde, P. "Silica polymorphs, glass and melt: An in situ high temperature XAS study at the Si K-edge" Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids., 355(18-21): 1099-1102. (2009).