Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
Lebert, B.W., Gorni, T., Casula, M., Klotz, S., Baudelet, F., Ablett, J.M., Hansen, T.C., Juhin, A., Polian, A., Munsch, P., Le Marchand, G., Zhang, Z., Rueff, J.P., d’Astuto, M. "Epsilon iron as a spin-smectic state". PNAS., on line first (24/09/2019): (2019).
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Kuzmin, A., Anspoks, A., Kalinko, A., Timoshenko, J., Nataf, L., Baudelet, F., Irifune, T. "Origin of Pressure-Induced Metallization in Cu3N: An X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study" Physica Status Solidi B., 255(11): art.n° 1800073. (2018).
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Bidegaray, A.I., Ceglia, A., Cicconi, M.R., Pham, V.T., Crabbé, A., Cherigui, E.A.M., Nys, K., Terryn, H., Neuville, D.R., Godet, S. "An in-situ XANES investigation of the interactions between iron, manganese and antimony in silicate melts". Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids., on line first (25/09/2018): (2018).
Huijser, A., Pan, Q., van Duinen, D., Laursen, M.G., El Nahhas, A., Chabera, P., Freitag, L., González, L., Kong, Q., Zhang, X., Haldrup, K., Browne, W.R., Smolentsev, G., Uhlig, J. "Shedding Light on the Nature of Photoinduced States Formed in a Hydrogen-Generating Supramolecular RuPt Photocatalyst by Ultrafast Spectroscopy" Journal of Physical Chemistry A., 122(3): 6396–6406. (2018).
Bouldi, N., Sainctavit, P., Juhin, A., Nataf, L., Baudelet, F. "Electronic and magnetic properties of iron hydride under pressure: An experimental and computational study using x-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Fe K edge" Physical Review B., 98(6): art.n° 064430. (2018).
Bachiller-Perea, D., Baudelet, F., Coquet, J., Kong, Q., Orsini, F., Dawiec, A. "Evaluation of a hybrid pixel detector prototype for time resolved experiments at the ODE beamline of the SOLEIL Synchrotron". Nuclear Instruments and Methods A., on line first (03/09/2018): (2018).
Sottmann, J., Nataf, L., Chaix, L., Pralong, V., Martin, C. "Playing with the Redox Potentials in Ludwigite Oxyborates: Fe3BO5 and Cu2MBO5 (M = Fe, Mn and Cr)" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 122(30): 17042–17048. (2018).
Chen, K., Weng, T.C., Schmerber, G., Gurin, V.N., Kappler, J.P., Kong, Q., Baudelet, F., Polian, A., Nataf, L. "Surface- and pressure-induced bulk Kondo breakdown in SmB6" Physical Review B., 97(23): art.n° 235153. (2018).