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Rueff, J.P., Eric Beaurepaire, Hervé Bulou, Fabrice Scheurer and Kappler Jean-Paul "An Introduction to Inelastic X-Ray Scattering" In Magnetism and Synchrotron Radiation: 263-277: Springer, 2010. ISBN: 978-3-642-04497-7
Rueff, J.P., Shukla, A. "Inelastic x-ray scattering by electronic excitations under high pressure" Reviews of Modern Physics., 82(1): 847–896. (2010).
Rodolakis, F., Hansmann, P., Rueff, J.P., Toschi, A., Haverkort, M.W., Sangiovanni, G., Tanaka, A., Saha-Dasgupta, T., Andersen, O.K., Held, K., Sikora, M., Alliot, I., Itié, J.P., Baudelet, F., Wzietek, P., Metcalf, P., Marsi, M. "Inequivalent Routes across the Mott Transition in V2O3 Explored by X-Ray Absorption" Physical Review Letters., 104(4): art.n° 047401. (2010).
Rodolakis, F., Hansmann, P., Rueff, J.P., Toschi, A., Haverkort, M.W., Sangiovanni, G., Held, K., Sikora, M., Congeduti, A., Itié, J.P., Baudelet, F., Metcalf, P., Marsi, M. "Electronic correlations in V2O3 studied with K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 190: art.n° 012092. (2009).
Ryan, C.G., Siddons, D.P., Moorhead, G., Kirkham, R., De Geronimo, G., Etschmann, B.E., Dragone, A., Dunn, P.A., Kuczewski, A., Davey, P., Jensen, M., Ablett, J.M., Kuczewski, J., Hough, R., Paterson, D. "High-throughput X-ray fluorescence imaging using a massively parallel detector array, integrated scanning and real-time spectral deconvolution" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 186: art.n° 012013. (2009).
Rueff, J.P. "High pressure electronic properties in the light of inelastic X-ray scattering" European Physical Journal.-Special Topics., 169: 215-220. (2009).
Foury-Leylekian, P., Poltavets, V. V., Jaouen, N., Rueff, J.P., Lorenzo, J.E., Auban-Senzier, P., Pasquier, C.R., Mazzoli, C., Greenblatt, M. "Sodium ion and cobalt charge ordering in NaxCoO2 (x~5/6)" Physical Review B., 79(11): art.n° 115101. (2009).
Rodolakis, F., Mansart, B., Papalazarou, E., Gorovikov, S., Vilmercati, P., Petaccia, L., Goldoni, A., Rueff, J.P., Lupi, S., Metcalf, P., Marsi, M. "Quasiparticles at the Mott Transition in V2O3: Wave Vector Dependence and Surface Attenuation" Physical Review Letters., 102(6): art.n° 066805. (2009).
Ablett, J.M., Woicik, J.C., Tokei, Z., List, S., Dimasi, E. "Phase identification of self-forming Cu–Mn based diffusion barriers on p-SiOC:H and SiO2 dielectrics using x-ray absorption fine structure" Applied Physics Letters., 94(4): art.n° 042112. (2009).
Rueff, J.P., Mezouar, M., Acet, M. "Short-range magnetic collapse of Fe under high pressure at high temperatures observed using x-ray emission spectroscopy" Physical Review B., 78(10): art.n° 100405. (2008).