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Gueriau, P., Jauvion, C., Mocuta, C. "Show me your yttrium, and I will tell you who you are: implications for fossil imaging". Palaeontology., on line first (13/06/2018): (2018).
Bertrand, L., Gervais, C., Masic, A., Robbiola, L. "Paleo-inspired systems: Durability, Sustainability and Remarkable Properties" Angewandte Chemie International Edition., 57(25): 7288-7295. (2018).
Goroncy, C., Saloga, P.E.J., Gruner, M., Schmudde, M., Vonnemann, J., Otero, E., Haag, R., Graf, C. "Influence of Organic Ligands on the Surface Oxidation State and Magnetic Properties of Iron Oxide Particles" Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie., 232(5-6): 819-844. (2018).
Grimaud, A., Iadecola, A., Batuk, D., Saubanère, M., Abakumov, A.M., Freeland, J.W., Cabana, J., Haifeng Li, H., Doublet, M.L., Rousse, G., Tarascon, J.M. "On the chemical activity of the peroxide/oxide redox couple: case study of Ba5Ru2O11 in aqueous and organic solvents" Chemistry of Materials., 30(11): 3882–3893. (2018).
Micsonai, A., Wien, F., Bulyáki, E., Kun, J., Moussong, E., Lee, Y.H., Goto, Y., Réfrégiers, M., Kardos, J. "BeStSel: a web server for accurate protein secondary structure prediction and fold recognition from the circular dichroism spectra". Nucleic Acids Research., on line first (12/06/2018): (2018).
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Mozetič,M., Vesel,A., Primc,G., Eisenmenger-Sittner,C., Bauer,J., Eder,A., Schmid,G.H.S., Ruzic,D.N., Ahmed,Z., Barker,D., Douglass,K.O., Eckel,S., Fedchak, J.A., Hendricks,J., Klimov,N., Ricker, J., Scherschligt, J., Stone,J, Strouse,G., Capan,L., Buljan,M., Milošević,S., Teichert,C., Cohen,S.R., Silva,A.G., Lehocky,M., Humpoliček,P., Rodriguez,C., Hernandez-Montelongo,J., Mercier,D., Manso-Silván,M., Ceccone,G., Galtayries,A., StanaKleinschek,K., Petrov,I., Greene, J.E., Avila,J., Chen,C.Y., Caja-Munoz,B., Yi,H., Boury,A., Lorcy,S., Asensio,M.C., Bredin,J., Gans,T., O'Connell,D., Brendin,J., Reniers,F., Vincze,A., Anderle,M., Montelius, L. "Recent developments in surface science and engineering, thin films, nanoscience, biomaterials, plasma science, and vacuum technology" Thin Solid Films., 660: 120-160. (2018).
Leonard, N., Ju, W., Sinev, I., Steinberg, J., Luo, F., Varela, A.S., Roldan Cuenya, B., Strasser, P. "The chemical identity, state and structure of catalytically active centers during the electrochemical CO2 reduction on porous Fe–nitrogen–carbon (Fe–N–C) materials" Chemical Science., 9(22): 5064-5073. (2018).
Goupy, P., Carail, M., Giuliani, A., Duflot, D., Dangles, O., Caris-Veyrat, C. "Carotenoids: Experimental Ionization Energies and Capacity at Inhibiting Lipid Peroxidation in a Chemical Model of Dietary Oxidative Stress" Journal of physical Chemistry B., 122(22): 5860–5869. (2018).