- Phonebook & CONTACTS
Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
Adell, I., Solé, R.M., Pujol, M.C., Lancry, M., Ollier, N., Aguiló, M., Díaz, F. "Single crystal growth, optical absorption and luminescence properties under VUV-UV synchrotron excitation of type III Ce3+:KGd(PO3)4, a promising scintillator material" Scientific Reports., 8: art.n° 11002. (2018).
Hallin, E.I., Eriksen, M.S., Baryshnikov, S., Nikolaienko, O., Groedem, S., Hosokawa, T., Hayashi, Y., Bramham, C.R., Kursula, P. "Structure of monomeric full-length ARC sheds light on molecular flexibility, protein interactions, and functional modalities". Journal of Neurochemistry., on line first (23/07/2018): (2018).
Legrand, W., Chauleau, J.Y., Maccariello, D., Reyren, N., Collin, S., Bouzehouane, K., Jaouen, N., Cros, V., Fert, A. "Hybrid chiral domain walls and skyrmions in magnetic multilayers" Science Advances., 4(7): art.n° eaat0415. (2018).
Ozer, L.Y., Apostoleris, H., Ravaux, F., Shylin, S.I., Mamedov, F., Lindblad, A., Johansson, F.O.L., Chiesa, M., Sa, J., Palmisano, G. "Long‐lasting non‐hydrogenated dark titanium dioxide: medium vacuum anneal for enhanced visible activity of modified multiphase photocatalysts" ChemCatChem., 10(14): 2949-2954. (2018).
Holzmeier, F., Wolf, T.J.A., Gienger, C., Wagner, I., Bozek, J.D., Nandi, S., Nicolas, C., Fischer, I., Gühr, M., Fink, R.F. "Normal and resonant Auger spectroscopy of isocyanic acid, HNCO" Journal of Chemical Physics., 149: art.n° 034308. (2018).
Kern, C., Aquino, R., Dubois, E., Perzynski, R., Peyre, V. "Dispersions of Magnetic Nanoparticles in the Mixture Ethyleneglycol-Choline Chloride: the Role of Solvent Association☆". Journal of Molecular Liquids., on line first (19/07/2018): (2018).
di Gregorio, M.C., Severoni, E., Travaglini, L., Gubitosi, M., Sennato, S., Mura, F., Redondo-Gómez, C., Jover, A., Pavel, N.V., Galantini, L. "Bile acid derivative-based catanionic mixtures: versatile tools for superficial charge modulation of supramolecular lamellae and nanotubes" PCCP - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics., 20(28): 18957-18968. (2018).
Rueff, J.P., Rault, J.E., Ablett, J.M., Utsumi, Y., Céolin, D. "HAXPES for Materials Science at the GALAXIES Beamline" Synchrotron Radiation News., 31(4): 4-9. (2018).
Woicik, J.C., Ablett, J.M., Quackenbush, N.F., Rumaiz, A.K., Weiland, C., Droubay, T.C., Chambers, S.A. "Experimental assignment of many-electron excitations in the photoionization of NiO" Physical Review B., 97(24): art.n° 245142. (2018).
Kim, J., Park, W.H., Doh, W.H., Lee, S.W., Noh, M.C., Gallet, J.J., Bournel, F., Kondoh, H., Mase, K., Jung, Y., Mun, B.S., Park, J.Y. "Adsorbate-driven reactive interfacial Pt-NiO1−x nanostructure formation on the Pt3Ni(111) alloy surface" Science Advances., 4(7): art.n° eaat3151. (2018).