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Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
E.g., 11/18/2024
E.g., 11/18/2024
Goubet, N., Jagtap, A, Livache, C., Martinez, B., Portalès, H., Xu, X.Z., Lobo, R.P.S.M., Dubertret, B., Lhuillier, E. "TeraHertz HgTe nanocrystals: beyond confinement" Journal of the American Chemical Society., 140(15): 5033–5036. (2018).
Kukk, E., Thomas, T. D., Céolin, D., Granroth, S., Travnikova, O., Berholts, M., Marchenko, T., Guillemin, R., Journel, L., Ismail, I., R. Püttner, R., Piancastelli, M.N., Ueda, K., Simon, M. "Energy Transfer into Molecular Vibrations and Rotations by Recoil in Inner-Shell Photoemission" Physical Review Letters., 121(7): art.n° 073002. (2018).
Powis, I., Menzies, R.C., Holland, D.M.P., Trofimov, A.B., Skitnevskaya, A.D., Gromov, E.V., Antonsson, E., Patanen, M., Nicolas, C., Miron, C. "Photoionization dynamics of cis-dichloroethene from investigation of vibrationally resolved photoelectron spectra and angular distributions" Journal of Chemical Physics., 149(7): art.n° 074305. (2018).
Rodgers, G., Schulz, G., Deyhle, H., Marathe, S., Bikis, C., Weitkamp, T., Müller, B. "A quantitative correction for phase wrapping artifacts in hard X-ray grating interferometry" Applied Physics Letters., 113(9): art.n° 093702. (2018).
Sigoillot, M., Brockhoff, A., Neiers, F., Poirier, N., Belloir, C., Legrand, P., Charron, C., Roblin, P., Meyerhof, W., Briand, L. "The crystal structure of gurmarin, a sweet-taste suppressing protein: Identification of the amino acid residues essential for inhibition" Chemical Senses., 43(8): 635-643. (2018).
Trofimov, A.B., Powis, I., Menzies, R.C., Holland, D.M.P., Antonsson, E., Patanen, M., Nicolas, C., Miron, C., Skitnevskaya, A.D., Gromov, E.V., Köppel, H. "An experimental and theoretical study of the photoelectron spectra of cis-dichloroethene: Valence shell vertical ionization and vibronic coupling in the low-lying cationic states" Journal of Chemical Physics., 140(7): art.n° . (2018).
Zhao, H.Y., Lau, K.C., Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Carniato, S., Poisson, L., Schwell, M., Al-Mogren, M.M., Hochlaf, M. "Unveiling the complex vibronic structure of canonical adenine cation" PCCP - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics., 20(32): 20756-20765. (2018).
van der Hoeven, J.E.S., Welling, T.A.J., Silva, T.A.G., van den Reijen, J., La Fontaine, C., Carrier, X., Louis, C., van Blaaderen, A., de Jongh, P.E. "In Situ Observation of Atomic Redistribution in Alloying Gold-Silver Nanorods" ACS Nano., 12(8): 8467–8476. (2018).
Bachiller-Perea, D., Baudelet, F., Coquet, J., Kong, Q., Orsini, F., Dawiec, A. "Evaluation of a hybrid pixel detector prototype for time resolved experiments at the ODE beamline of the SOLEIL Synchrotron". Nuclear Instruments and Methods A., on line first (03/09/2018): (2018).
Ménesguen, Y., Lépy, M.C., Sampaio, J.M., Marques, J.P., Parente, F., Guerra, M., Indelicato, P., Santos, J.P., Hönicke, P., Beckhoff, B. "A combined experimental and theoretical approach to determine X‐ray atomic fundamental quantities of tin" X-ray Spectrometry., 47(5): 341-351. (2018).