- Phonebook & CONTACTS
Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
Dos Santos Morais, R., Delalande, O., Pérez, J., Mias-Lucquin, D., Lagarrigue, M., Martel, A., Molza, A.E., Chéron, A., Raguénès-Nicol, C., Chenuel, T., Bondon, A., Appavou, M.S., Le Rumeur, E., Combet, S., Hubert, J.F. "Human dystrophin structural changes upon binding to anionic membrane lipids" Biophysical Journal., 115(7): 1231-1239. (2018).
Cespedes, E., Rodriguez-Palomo, A., Salas-Colera, E., Fonda, E., Jimenez-Villacorta, F., Vila, M., de Andres, A., Prieto, C. "Role of Al2O3 Antireflective Layer on the Exceptional Durability of Mo-Si-N – Based Spectrally Selective Coatings in Air at High Temperature". ACS Applied Energy Materials., on line first (03/10/2018): (2018).
Pande, K., Donatelli, J.J., Malmerberg, E., Foucar, L., Poon, B.K., Sutter, M., Botha, S., Basu, S., Doak, R., Dörner, K., Epp, S.W., Englert, L., Fromme, R., Hartmann, E., Hartmann, R., Hauser, G., Hattne, J., Hosseinizadeh, A., Kassemeyer, S., Lomb, L., Montero, S.F.C., Menzel, A., Rolles, D., Rudenko, A., Seibert, M.M., Sierra, R.G., Schwander, P., Ourmazd, A., Fromme, P., Sauter, N.K., Bogan, M., Bozek, J., Bostedt, C., Schlichting, I., Kerfeld, C.A., Zwart, P.H. "Free-electron laser data for multiple-particle fluctuation scattering analysis." Scientific Data., 5: art.n° 180201. (2018).
Dupuy, R., Bertin, M., Féraud, G., Hassenfratz, M., Michaut, X., Putaud, T., Philippe, L., Jeseck, P., Angelucci, M., Cimino, R., Baglin, V., Romanzin, C., Fillion, J.H. "X-ray photodesorption from water ice in protoplanetary disks and X-ray-dominated regions" Nature Astronomy., 2(10): 796–801. (2018).
Pérébaskine, N., Thore, S., Fribourg, S. "Structural and interaction analysis of the Rrp5 C-terminal region" FEBS Open Bio., 8(10): 1605-1614. (2018).
Frogneux, X., Borondics, F., Lefrançois, S., D'Accriscio, F., Sanchez, C., Carenco, S. "Surprisingly high sensitivity of copper nanoparticles toward coordinating ligands: consequences for the hydride reduction of benzaldehyde" Catalysis Science & Technology., 8(19): 5073-5080. (2018).
Chen, C., Avila, J., Arezki, H., Nguyen, V.L., Shen, J., Mucha-Kruczyński, M., Yao, F., Boutchich, M., Chen, Y., Lee, Y.H., Asensio, M.C. "Retraction Note: Large local lattice expansion in graphene adlayers grown on copper" Nature Materials., on line first (02/10/2018): (2018).
Ribeiro Passos, A., La Fontaine, C., Martins, L., Pulcinelli, S. H., Santilli, C. V., Briois, V. "Operando XAS/Raman/MS monitoring of ethanol steam reforming reaction-regeneration cycles". Catalysis Science & Technology., on line first (02/10/2018): (2018).
Jühling, T., Duchardt-Ferner, E., Bonin, S., Wöhnert, J., Pütz, J., Florentz, C., Betat, H., Sauter, C., Mörl, M. "Small but large enough: structural properties of armless mitochondrial tRNAs from the nematode Romanomermis culicivorax" Nucleic Acids Research., 46(17): 9170–9180 . (2018).
Blümel, R., Lukacs, R., Zimmermann, B., Bağcıoğlu,M., Kohler, A. "Observation of Mie ripples in the synchrotron Fourier transform infrared spectra of spheroidal pollen grains". Journal of the Optical Society of America A., 35(10): 1769-1779. (2018).