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Clark, P.C.J., Flavell, W.R. "Surface and Interface Chemistry in Colloidal Quantum Dots for Solar Applications Studied by X‐Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy". Chemical Record., on line first (12/11/2018): (2018).
de Wijn, R., Hennig, O., Ernst, F.G.M., Lorber, B., Betat, H., Mörl, M., Sauter, C. "Combining crystallogenesis methods to produce diffraction‐quality crystals of a psychrophilic tRNA‐maturation enzyme" Acta Crystallographica F., 74(11): 747-753. (2018).
Dinant, S., Wolff, N., De Marco, F., Vilaine, F., Gissot, L., Aubry, E., Sandt, C., Bellini, C., Le Hir, R. "Synchrotron FTIR and Raman spectroscopy provide unique spectral fingerprints for Arabidopsis floral stem vascular tissues". Journal of Experimental Botany., on line first (12/11/2018): (2018).
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Fabbris, G., Jaouen, N., Meyers, D., Feng, J., Hoffman, J.D., Sutarto, R., Chiuzbăian,S.G., Bhattacharya,A., Dean, M.P.M. "Emergent c-axis magnetic helix in manganite-nickelate superlattices" Physical Review B., 98(18): art.n° 180401. (2018).
Farronato, M., Bidermane, I., Lüder, J., Bouvet, M., Vlad, A., Jones, A.O.F., Simbrunner, J., Resel, R., Brena, B., Prévot, G., Witkowski, N. "New Quadratic Self-Assembly of Double-Decker Phthalocyanine on Gold (111) Surface : From Macroscopic to Microscopic Scale". Journal of Physical Chemistry C., on line first (12/11/2018: (2018).
Picot, P., Liao, Y.Y., Barruet, E., Gobeaux, F., Coradin, T., Thill, A. "Exploring hybrid imogolite nanotubes formation via Si/Al stoichiometry control" Langmuir., 34(44): 13225–13234. (2018).
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Assat, G., Iadecola, A., Foix, D., Dedryvère, R., Tarascon, J.M. "Direct Quantification of Anionic Redox over Long Cycling of Li-Rich NMC via Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy" ACS Energy Letters., 3(11): 2721–2728. (2018).
Kappler, J.P., Otero, E., Li, W., Joly, L., Schmerber, G., Muller, B., Scheurer, F., Leduc, F., Gobaut, B., Poggini, L., Serrano, G., Choueikani, F., Lhotel, E., Cornia, A., Sessoli, R., Mannini, M., Arrio, M.A., Sainctavit, P., Ohresser, P. "Ultralow‐temperature device dedicated to soft X‐ray magnetic circular dichroism experiments" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 25(6): 1727-1735. (2018).