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Dernière mise à jour : 10.05.2023
E.g., 03/04/2025
E.g., 03/04/2025
Loginov, M., Doudiès, F., Hengl, N., Pignon, F., Gésan-Guiziou, G. "Influence of membrane resistance on swelling and removal of colloidal filter cake after filtration pressure release" Journal of Membrane Science., 595: art.n° 117498. (2020).
Clède, S., Sandt, C., Dumas, P., Policar, C. "Monitoring the Kinetics of the Cellular Uptake of a Metal Carbonyl Conjugated with a Lipidic Moiety in Living Cells Using Synchrotron Infrared Spectromicroscopy". Applied Spectroscopy., on line first (17/10/2019): (2020).
Deng, Y., Faivre, B., Back, O., Lombard, M., Pecqueur, L., Fontecave, M. "Structure and functional characterization of 4‐hydroxyphenylacetate 3‐hydroxylase from Escherichia coli". ChemBioChem., on line first (03/06/2019): (2020).
Ficheux, M., Burov, E., Cormier, L., Gouillart, E., Trcera, N. "Influence of zirconium on cation mobilities in Na2O-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 melts: a multicomponent diffusion and XANES study". Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta., on line first (16/12/2019): (2020).
Förster, S., Schenk, S., Zollner, E.M., Krahn, O., Chiang, C.T., Schumann, F.O., Bayat, A., Schindler, K.M., Trautmann, M., Hammer, R., Meinel, K., Adeagbo, W.A., Hergert, W., Flege, J.I., Falta, J., Ellguth, M., Tusche, C., De Boissieu, M., Muntwiler, M., Greber, T., Widdra, W. "Quasicrystals and their Approximants in Two‐Dimensional Ternary Oxides". Physica Status Solidi B., on line first (27/11/2019): (2020).
Meunier, B., Martinez, E., Rodriguez-Lamas, R., Pla, D., Burriel, M., Boudard, M., Jiménez, C., Rueff, J.P., Renault, O. "Resistive switching in a LaMnO3 + δ/TiN memory cell investigated by operando hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy" Journal of Applied Physics., 126(22): art.n° 225302. (2019).
Nghiem, P.A.P., Alesini, D., Aschikhin, A., & al. "Eupraxia, A Step Toward A Plasma-Wakefield Based Accelerator With High Beam Quality" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 1350: art.n° 012068. (2019).
Ruigrok, K., Vaney, M.C., Buchrieser, J., Baquero, E., Hellert, J., Baron, B., England, P., Schwartz, O., Rey, F.A., Backovic, M. "X-ray structures of the post-fusion 6-helix bundle of the human syncytins and their functional implications" Journal of Molecular Biology., 431(24): 4922-4940. (2019).
Shtender, V.V., Paul-Boncour, V., Denys, R.V., Crivello, J.C., Zavaliy, I.Y. "TbMgNi4-xCox–(H,D)2 System: I. Synthesis, Hydrogenation Properties, Crystal and Electronic Structures". Journal of Physical Chemistry C., on line first (16/12/2019): (2019).