Exceptionally this year, the 7th edition of the Sun of Minuit will not take place on the occasion of the European Night of Researchers, but Friday December 14, from 18h to midnight.
If the date changes, the program remains the same:
- Visits of the synchrotron in small groups, explanation of how SOLEIL operates on the models
- Exchanges with researchers at their place of work (beamline)
- Scientific and fun workshops with animators from the Groupe TRACES / Atomes Crochus
- And good mood!
For this special evening, children must be 5 and older.
The inscriptions are not yet open but will be at the end of November, via an online form on this page.
Limited number of guests available.
Depending on the number of requests, communication guidance can be limited to 30mn on certain slot allocations.
All visits must be accompanied by a SOLEIL staff.
Persons wearing a pacemaker are forbidden to enter the Synchrotron building.