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Novembre 2013.
2013 has offered rich scientic results as well as national and international events involving SOLEIL teams. We are now a few days away from the launch of the International Year of Crystallography on 20th and 21st January at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Crystallography is a most interdisciplinary science through which major societal challenges do nd answers. Synchrotrons are crucial facilities when it comes to studying matter and dedicating this issue to the research carried out at SOLEIL in crystallography was an obvious choice.

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Research at SOLEIL

The sensation of astringency in the VUV rays of DESIRS
Astringency is the feeling of dryness and puckeriness inside the mouth that accompanies the consumption of plant products, such as wine or tea, or unripe fruit PDF icon The sensation of astringency in the VUV rays of DESIRS (786.13 KB)

HAXPES or easy photoemission
Using the HAXPES (hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy) station on the GALAXIES beamline, it is possible to carry out high kinetic energy photoemission experiments on samples in the solid, liquid or gas phase. The ability to analyze kinetic energies ranging from 10 eV to more than 10 keV makes this a unique experimental station at SOLEIL. PDF icon HAXPES or easy photoemission (154.42 KB)


A long-path cryogenic cell for IR absorption
The AILES beamline, which exploits the brillance of SOLEIL for spectroscopic analysis in the infrared (IR) field, has linked up with the Ultra-High Vacuum Group and LISA, to develop the rst long-path cryogenic cell for the quantitative analysis of gas in the IR - THz. PDF icon A long-path cryogenic cell for IR absorption (103.64 KB)

Portrait: Ryutaro Nagaoka, head of the "accelerator physics" group at SOLEIL
With a PhD in theoretical nuclear physics from the University of Tokyo, Ryutaro Nagaoka very quickly decided to specialize in accelerator physics. A change of direction that reflected his desire to work in a scientific field that applied more directly to society. PDF icon Portrait: Ryutaro Nagaoka, head of the "accelerator physics" group at SOLEIL (125.83 KB)

Measuring the purity of electron bunches
When the storage ring operates in top-up injection mode, electrons can accumulate in parasitic bunches, deteriorating the purity of the electron beam filling patterns and hence the quality of time structure of the photon beams provided to the beamlines. But did you know that it is possible to clean out a bunch of electrons? PDF icon Measuring the purity of electron bunches (352.36 KB)

FOCUS ON : PDF icon Crystallography at SOLEIL (733.97 KB)

Interdisciplinary research and results obtained on: DIFFABS (p17) | PSICHE (p18) | PROXIMA1 (p19) | PROXIMA2 (p20) | CRISTAL(p21) | SIXS (p22)


Specialized platforms for new user communities
Beside the "one-shot" use of beamlines for generally short-term academic or industrial research projects, SOLEIL is in the process of creating research platforms and specialized services in specific fields to host external, public and/or private communities, carrying out medium and long-term synchrotron projects. PDF icon (112.44 KB)

SOLEIL Science and Society

SOLEIL on a plate
Milk, wine, foie gras, meat, chips and tomatoes, these foods all have one thing in common: they have all ended up in the SOLEIL's light. Using X-rays, UV or infrared rays, studies are based on analyses at several different scales, from atoms to tissues, in these samples that we consume every day. PDF icon SOLEIL on a plate (244.86 KB)