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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Liu, S., Liu, Z., Shen, X., Li, W., Gao, Y., Norouzi Banis, M., Li, M., Chen, K., Zhu, L., Yu, R., Wang, Z., Sun, X., Lu, G., Kong, Q., Bai, X., Chen, L. "Surface Doping to Enhance Structural Integrity and Performance of Li‐Rich Layered Oxide" Advanced Energy Materials., 8(31): art.n° 1802105. (2018).
de Wijn, R., Hennig, O., Ernst, F.G.M., Lorber, B., Betat, H., Mörl, M., Sauter, C. "Combining crystallogenesis methods to produce diffraction‐quality crystals of a psychrophilic tRNA‐maturation enzyme" Acta Crystallographica F., 74(11): 747-753. (2018).
Dinant, S., Wolff, N., De Marco, F., Vilaine, F., Gissot, L., Aubry, E., Sandt, C., Bellini, C., Le Hir, R. "Synchrotron FTIR and Raman spectroscopy provide unique spectral fingerprints for Arabidopsis floral stem vascular tissues". Journal of Experimental Botany., on line first (12/11/2018): (2018).
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Fabbris, G., Jaouen, N., Meyers, D., Feng, J., Hoffman, J.D., Sutarto, R., Chiuzbăian,S.G., Bhattacharya,A., Dean, M.P.M. "Emergent c-axis magnetic helix in manganite-nickelate superlattices" Physical Review B., 98(18): art.n° 180401. (2018).
Farronato, M., Bidermane, I., Lüder, J., Bouvet, M., Vlad, A., Jones, A.O.F., Simbrunner, J., Resel, R., Brena, B., Prévot, G., Witkowski, N. "New Quadratic Self-Assembly of Double-Decker Phthalocyanine on Gold (111) Surface : From Macroscopic to Microscopic Scale". Journal of Physical Chemistry C., on line first (12/11/2018: (2018).
Picot, P., Liao, Y.Y., Barruet, E., Gobeaux, F., Coradin, T., Thill, A. "Exploring hybrid imogolite nanotubes formation via Si/Al stoichiometry control" Langmuir., 34(44): 13225–13234. (2018).
Becquer, A., Garcia, K., Amenc, L., Rivard, C., Doré, J., Trives‐Segura, C., Szponarski, W., Russet, S., Baeza, Y., Lassalle‐Kaiser, B., Gay, G., Dagmar Zimmermann, S., Plassard, C. "The Hebeloma cylindrosporum HcPT2 Pi transporter plays a key role in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis" New Phytologist., 220(4): 1185-1199. (2018).
Kappler, J.P., Otero, E., Li, W., Joly, L., Schmerber, G., Muller, B., Scheurer, F., Leduc, F., Gobaut, B., Poggini, L., Serrano, G., Choueikani, F., Lhotel, E., Cornia, A., Sessoli, R., Mannini, M., Arrio, M.A., Sainctavit, P., Ohresser, P. "Ultralow‐temperature device dedicated to soft X‐ray magnetic circular dichroism experiments" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 25(6): 1727-1735. (2018).
Assat, G., Iadecola, A., Foix, D., Dedryvère, R., Tarascon, J.M. "Direct Quantification of Anionic Redox over Long Cycling of Li-Rich NMC via Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy" ACS Energy Letters., 3(11): 2721–2728. (2018).