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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
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E.g., 17/11/2024
Khalal, M.A., Soronen, J., Jänkälä, K., Huttula, S.M., Huttula, M., Bizau, J.M., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Ito, K., Andric, L., Feng, J., Lablanquie, P., Palaudoux, J., Penent, F. "Multielectron spectroscopy: energy levels of K n+ and Rb n+ ions (n = 2, 3, 4)" Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 50(22): art.n° 225003. (2017).
Ptasinska, S., Śmiałek, M.A., Milosavljević, A.R., Sivaraman, B, "Low-energy interactions related to atmospheric and extreme conditions" European physical journal D., 71: art.n° 264. (2017).
Dedrick, J., Schröter, S., Niemi, K., Wijaikhum, A., Wagenaars, E., de Oliveira, N., Nahon, L., Booth, J.P., O'Connell, D., Gans, T. "Controlled production of atomic oxygen and nitrogen in a pulsed radio-frequency atmosphericpressure plasma" Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics., 50(45): art.n° 455204. (2017).
Jacquemart, D., Lyulin, O., Perevalov, V. "Recommended acetylene line list in the 20 − 240 cm–1 and 400 − 630 cm–1 regions: new measurements and global modeling" Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer., 203: 440-453. (2017).
Cernuto, A., Lopes, A., Romanzin, C., Cunha de Miranda, B., Ascenzi, D., Tosi, P., Tornachini, G., Maranzana, A., Polášek, M., Žabka, J., Alcaraz, C. "Effects of collision energy and vibrational excitation of CH3+CH3+ cations on its reactivity with hydrocarbons: But-2-yne CH3CCCH3CH3CCCH3 as reagent partner" Journal of Chemical Physics., 147(15): art.n° 154302. (2017).
Dupuy, R., Féraud, G., Bertin, M., Michaut, X., Putaud, T., Jeseck, P., Philippe, L., Romanzin, C., Baglin, V., Cimino, R., Fillion, J.H. "The efficient photodesorption of nitric oxide (NO) ices. A laboratory astrophysics study" Astronomy & Astrophysics., 606: art.n° L9. (2017).
Georges, R., Michaut, X., Moudens, A., Goubet, M., Pirali, O., Soulard, P., Asselin, P., Huet, T.R., Roy, P., Fournier, M., Vigasin, A.A. "Nuclear Spin Symmetry Conservation in 1H216O Investigated by Direct Absorption FTIR Spectroscopy of Water Vapor Cooled Down in Supersonic Expansion" Journal of Physical Chemistry A., 121(40): 7455–7468. (2017).
Demyk, K., Meny, C., Leroux, H., Depecker, C., Brubach, J.B., Roy, P., Nayral, C., Ojo, W.S., Delpech, F. "Low temperature MIR to submillimeter mass absorption coefficient of interstellar dust analogues. II. Mg and Fe-rich amorphous silicates" Astronomy & Astrophysics., 606: A50 . (2017).
Gans, B., Boyé-Péronne, S., Garcia, G. A., Röder, A., Schleier, D., Halvick, P., Loison, J.C. "Unveiling the Ionization Energy of the CN Radical" Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters., 8(17): 4038–4042. (2017).
Béchu, S., Aleiferis, S., Bentounes, J., Gavilan, L., Shakhatov, V.A., Bès, A., Svarnas, P., Mazouffre, S., de Oliviera, N., Engeln, R., Lemaire, J.L. "Detection of rovibrationally excited molecular hydrogen in the electronic ground state via synchrotron radiation" Applied Physics Letters., 111(7): art.n° 074103. (2017).