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Patanen, M., Nicolas, C., Linguerri, R., Simoes, G., Travnikova, O, Liu, X.J., Hochlaf, M., Bozek, J.D., Miron, C. "High-Resolution Photoelectron Spectroscopy with Angular Selectivity - A Tool to Probe Valence-Rydberg States and Couplings in HCl+" Journal of Physical Chemistry A., 118(27): 4975–4981. (2014).
Murphy, B.F., Osipov, T., Jurek, Z., Fang, L., Son, S.K., Mucke, M., Eland, J.H.D., Zhaunerchyk, V., Feifel, R., Avaldi, L., Bolognesi, P., Bostedt, C., Bozek, J.D., Grilj, J., Guehr, M., Frasinski, L.J., Glownia, J., Ha, D.T., Hoffmann, K., Kukk, E., McFarland, B.K., Miron, C., Sistrunk, E., Squibb, R.J., Ueda, K., Santra, R., Berrah, N. "Femtosecond X-ray-induced explosion of C60 at extreme intensity" Nature Communications., 5: art.n° 4281. (2014).
Cuisset, A., Gruet, S., Pirali, O., Chamaillé, T., Mouret, G. "Synchrotron FT-FIR spectroscopy of nitro-derivatives vapors: new spectroscopic signatures of explosive taggants and degradation products" Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy., 132: 838-845. (2014).
Gauzzi, A., Sellam, A., Rousse, G., Klein, Y., Taverna, D., Giura, P., Calandra, M., Loupias, G., Gozzo, F., Gilioli, E., Bolzoni, F., Allodi, G., De Renzi, R., Calestani, G.L., Roy, P. "Possible phase separation and weak localization in the absence of a charge-density wave in single-phase 1T-VS2" Physical Review B., 89(23): art.n° 235125. (2014).
Eidelsberg, M., Lemaire, J.L., Federman, S.R., Stark, G., Heays, A.N., Gavilan, L., Lyons, J.R., Smith, P.L., de Oliveira, N., Joyeux, D. "High-resolution study of oscillator strengths and predissociation rates for 13C16O and 12C18O" Astronomy & Astrophysics., 566: art.n° A96. (2014).
Gruet, S., Goubet, M., Pirali, O. "High resolution measurements supported by electronic structure calculations of two naphthalene derivatives: [1,5]- and [1,6]-naphthyridine—Estimation of the zero point inertial defect for planar polycyclic aromatic compounds" Journal of Chemical Physics., 140(23): art.n° 234308. (2014).
Marggi Poullain, S., Elkharrat, C., Veyrinas, K., Houver, J.C., Cornaggia, C., Rescigno, T.N., Lucchese, R.R., Dowek, D. "Recoil frame photoemission in multiphoton ionization of small polyatomic molecules: photodynamics of NO2 probed by 400 nm fs pulses" Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 47(12): art.n° 124024. (2014).
Jolly, A., Manceron, L., Kwabia Tchana, F., Benilan, Y., Gazeau, M.C. "Revised Infrared Bending Mode Intensities For Diacetylene (C4h2): Application To Titan" Planetary and Space Science., 97: 60-64. (2014).
Patanen, M., Kooser, K., Argenti, L., Ayuso, D., Kimura, M., Mondal, S., Plésiat, E., Palacios, A., Sakai, K., Travnikova, O, Decleva, P., Kukk, E., Miron, C., Ueda, K., Martin, F. "Vibrationally resolved C 1s photoionization cross section of CF4" Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 47(12): art.n° 124032. (2014).
Poccia, N., Chorro, M., Ricci, A., Xu, W., Marcelli, A., Campi, G., Bianconi, A. "Percolative superconductivity in La2CuO4.06 by lattice granularity patterns with scanning micro x-ray absorption near edge structure" Applied Physics Letters., 104(22): art.n° 221903. (2014).