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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Felsmann, D., Moshammer, K., Krüger, J., Lackner, A., Brockhinke, A., Kasper, T., Bierkandt, T., Akyildiz, E., Hansen, N., Lucassen, A., Oßwald, P., Köhler, M., Garcia, G. A., Nahon, L., Hemberger, P., Bodi, A., Gerber, T., Kohse-Höinghaus, K. "Electron ionization, photoionization and photoelectron/photoion coincidence spectroscopy in mass-spectrometric investigations of a low-pressure ethylene/oxygen flame" Proceedings of the Combustion Institute., 35(1): 779-786. (2015).
Schwell, M., Hochlaf, M. "Photoionization Spectroscopy of Nucleobases and Analogues in the Gas Phase Using Synchrotron Radiation as Excitation Light Source" Topics in Current Chemistry ., 355: 155-208. (2015).
Barros, J., Appadoo, D., McNaughton, D., Robertson, E.G., Medcraft, C., Plathe, R., Roy, P., Manceron, L. "The Rotational Spectrum of Propynal in the 250-700 GHz range using Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Fourier Transform Spectrometry" Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy., 307: 44-48. (2015).
Jolly, A., Cottini, V., Fayt, A., Manceron, L., Kwabia-Tchana, F., Benilan, Y., Guillemin, J.C., Nixon, C., Irwin, P. "Gas phase dicyanoacetylene (C4N2) on Titan: new experimental and theoretical spectroscopy results applied to Cassini CIRS data" Icarus., 248: 340–346. (2015).
Miron, C., Patanen, M. "Synchrotron-Radiation-Based Soft X-Ray Electron Spectroscopy Applied to Structural and Chemical Characterization of Isolated Species, from Molecules to Nanoparticles" Advanced Materials., 26(46): 7911-7916. (2014).
Hübner, O., Manceron, L., Himmel, H.J. "On the Electronic Structure and Photochemistry of Coordinatively Unsaturated Complexes: The Case of Nickel Bis-dinitrogen, Ni(N2)2" Chemistry - A European Journal., 20(51): 17025-17038. (2014).
Kennedy, E.T., Mosnier, J.P., Van Kampen, P., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Blancard, C., McLaughlin, B.M., Bizau, J.M. "Photoionization cross sections of the aluminumlike Si+ ion in the region of the 2p threshold (94–137 eV)" Physical Review A., 90(6): art.n° 063409. (2014).
Dossmann, H., Schwarzenberg, A., Lesage, D., Pérot-Taillandier, M., Afonso, C., Cunha de Miranda, B., Garcia, G.A. "Vacuum Ultraviolet Photoionization Study of Gas Phase Vitamins A and B1 using Aerosol Thermodesorption and Synchrotron Radiation" Journal of Physical Chemistry A., 118(47): 11185–11192. (2014).
Dalla Bernardina, S., Alabarse, F.G., Kalinko, A., Roy, P., Chapuis, M., Vita, N., Hienerwadel, R., Berthomieu, C., Judeinstein, P., Zanotti, J.M., Bantignies, J.L., Haines, J., Catafesta, J., Creff, G., Manceron, L., Brubach, J.B. "New experimental set-ups for studying nanoconfined water on the AILES beamline at SOLEIL" Vibrational Spectroscopy., 75: 154–161. (2014).
Ubachs, W., Salumbides, E.J., Eikema, K.S.E., de Oliveira, N., Nahon, L. "Novel techniques in VUV high-resolution spectroscopy" Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena., 196: 159-164. (2014).