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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
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E.g., 17/11/2024
Kukk, E., Thomas, T. D., Céolin, D., Granroth, S., Travnikova, O., Berholts, M., Marchenko, T., Guillemin, R., Journel, L., Ismail, I., R. Püttner, R., Piancastelli, M.N., Ueda, K., Simon, M. "Energy Transfer into Molecular Vibrations and Rotations by Recoil in Inner-Shell Photoemission" Physical Review Letters., 121(7): art.n° 073002. (2018).
Ganjitabar, H., Hadidi, R., Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Powis, I. "Vibrationally-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and photoelectron circular dichroism of bicyclic monoterpene enantiomers" Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy., 353: 11-19. (2018).
MacAleese, L., Girod, M., Nahon, L., Giuliani, A., Antoine, R., Dugourd, P. "Radical Anions of Oxidized vs. Reduced Oxytocin: Influence of Disulfide Bridges on CID and Vacuum UV Photo-Fragmentation" Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry., 29(9): 1826–1834. (2018).
Dubois, D., Carrasco, N., Petrucciani, M., Vettier, L., Tigrine, S., Pernot, P. "In situ Investigation of Neutrals Involved in the Formation of Titan Tholins". Icarus., on line first (03/08/2018): (2018).
Kumagai, Y., Fukuzawa, H., Motomura, K., Iablonskyi, D., Nagaya, K., Wada, S.I., Ito, Y., Takanashi, T., Sakakibara, Y., You, D., Nishiyama, T., Asa, K., Sato, Y., Umemoto, T., Kariyazono, K., Kukk, E., Kooser, K., Nicolas, C., Miron, C., Asavei, T., Neagu, L., Schöffler, M.S., Kastirke, G., Liu, X.J., Owada, S., Katayama, T., Togashi, T., Tono, K., Yabashi, M., Golubev, N.V., Gokhberg, K., Cederbaum, L.S., Kuleff, A.I., Ueda, K. "Following the Birth of a Nanoplasma Produced by an Ultrashort Hard-X-Ray Laser in Xenon Clusters" Physical Review X., 8(3): art.n° 031034. (2018).
Miteva, T., Kryzhevoi, N.V., Sisourat, S., Nicolas, C., Pokapanich, W., Saisopa, T., Songsiriritthigul, P., Rattanachai, Y., Dreuw, A., Wenzel, J., Palaudoux, J., Öhrwall, G., Puettner, R., Cederbaum, L.S., Rueff, J.P., Céolin, D. "The All-Seeing Eye of Resonant Auger Electron Spectroscopy: A Study on Aqueous Solution Using Tender X-rays" Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters., 9(15): 4457–4462. (2018).
Hakalla, R., Trivikram, T.M., Heays, A.N., Salumbides, E.J., de Oliveira, N., Field, R.W., Ubachs, W. "Precision spectroscopy and comprehensive analysis of perturbations in the A1∏(v = 0) state of 13C18O". Molecular Physics., on line first (26/07/2018): (2018).
Adell, I., Solé, R.M., Pujol, M.C., Lancry, M., Ollier, N., Aguiló, M., Díaz, F. "Single crystal growth, optical absorption and luminescence properties under VUV-UV synchrotron excitation of type III Ce3+:KGd(PO3)4, a promising scintillator material" Scientific Reports., 8: art.n° 11002. (2018).
Holzmeier, F., Wolf, T.J.A., Gienger, C., Wagner, I., Bozek, J.D., Nandi, S., Nicolas, C., Fischer, I., Gühr, M., Fink, R.F. "Normal and resonant Auger spectroscopy of isocyanic acid, HNCO" Journal of Chemical Physics., 149: art.n° 034308. (2018).
Gavilan, L., Carrasco, N., Hoffmann, S.V., Jones, N.C., Mason, N. J. "Organic Aerosols in Anoxic and Oxic Atmospheres of Earth-like Exoplanets: VUV-MIR Spectroscopy of CHON Tholins" Astrophysical Journal., 861: art.n° 110. (2018).