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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
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E.g., 18/11/2024
Carlos, M., Gruson, O., Richard, C., Boudon, V., Rotger, M., Thomas, X., Maul, C., Sydow, C., Domanskaya, A., Georges, R., Soulard, P., Pirali, O., Goubet, M., Asselin, P., Huet, T.R. "High-resolution spectroscopy and global analysis of CF4 rovibrational bands to model its atmospheric absorption" Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer., 201: 75-93. (2017).
Blancard, C., Cubaynes, D., Guilbaud, S., Bizau, J.M. "L-shell photoionization of Mn5+ to Mn8+ ions" Physical Review A., 96(1): art.n° 013410. (2017).
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Cottin, H., Kotler, M., Billi, D., Cockell, C., DemetsR., Ehrenfreund, P., Elsaesser, A., d’Hendecourt, L., van Loon, J.J.W.A., Martins, Z., Onofri, S., Quinn, R.C., Rabbow, E., Rettberg, P., Ricco, A.J., Slenzka, K., de la Torre, R., de Vera, J.P., Westall, F., Carrasco, N., Fresneau, A., Kawaguchi, Y., Kebukawa, Y., Nguyen, D., Poch, O., Saiagh, K., Stalport, F., Yamagishi, A., Yano, H., Klamm, B.A. "Space as a Tool for Astrobiology: Review and Recommendations for Experimentations in Earth Orbit and Beyond" Space Science Reviews., 209(1-4): 83-181. (2017).
Dupuy, R., Bertin, M., Féraud, G., Michaut, X., Jeseck, P., Doronin, M., Philippe, L., Romanzin, C., Fillion, J.H. "Spectrally-resolved UV photodesorption of CH4 in pure and layered ices" Astronomy & Astrophysics., 603: art.n° A61. (2017).
Eidelsberg, M., Lemaire, J.L., Federman, S.R., Heays, A.N., Stark, G., Lyons, J.R., Gavilan, L., de Oliveira, N. "High-resolution study of oscillator strengths and predissociation rates for 13C18O. W-X bands and Rydberg complexes between 92.9 and 93.5 nm" Astronomy & Astrophysics., 602: art.n° A76. (2017).
Glass-Maujean, M., Jungen, C., Vasserot, A.M., Schmoranzer, H., Knie, A., Kübler, S., Ehresmann, A., Ubachs, W. "Experimental and theoretical studies of the Npδ1∑+u and Npπ1Π+u (n>4,N′=1-6) states of D2: energies, natural widths, absorption line intensities, and dynamics" Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy., 338: 22-71. (2017).
Sanchez-Gonzalez, A., Micaelli, P., Olivier, C., Barillot, T.R., Ilchen, M., Lutman, A.A., Marinelli, A., Maxwell, T., Achner, A., Agåker, M., Berrah, N., Bostedt, C., Bozek, J.D., Buck, J., Bucksbaum, P.H., Carron Montero, S., Cooper, B., Cryan, J.P., Dong, M., Feifel, R., Frasinski, L.J., Fukuzawa, H., Galler, A., Hartmann, G., Hartmann, N., Helml, W., Johnson, A.S., Knie, A., Lindahl, A.O., Liu, J., Motomura, K., Mucke, M., O’Grady, C., Rubensson, J.E., Simpson, E.R., Squibb, R.J., Såthe, C., Ueda, K., Vacher, M., Walke, D.J., Zhaunerchyk, V., Coffee, R.N., Marangos, J.P. "Accurate prediction of X-ray pulse properties from a free-electron laser using machine learning" Nature Communications., 8: art.n° 15461. (2017).
Liu, X.J., Nicolas, C., Patanen, M., Miron, C. "Disentangling Auger decays in O2 by photoelectron-ion coincidences" Scientific Reports., 7: art. n° 2898. (2017).
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