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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
E.g., 07/03/2025
E.g., 07/03/2025
Scheel, M., Perrin, J., Koch, F., Yurgens, V., Le Roux, V., Giorgetta, J.L., Desjardins, K., Menneglier, C., Zhang, S., Engblom, C., Abiven, Y.M., Cauchon, G., Bourgoin, C., Lestrade, A., Moreno, T., Polack, F., David, C., Weitkamp, T. "Toward Hard X-ray Transmission Microscopy at the ANATOMIX Beamline of Synchrotron SOLEIL" Microscopy and Microanalysis., 24(supp. 2): 246-247. (2018).
Bou-Nader, C., Brégeon, D., Pecqueur, L., Fontecave, M., Hamdane, D. "Electrostatic Potential in the tRNA Binding Evolution of Dihydrouridine Synthases" Biochemistry., 57(37): 5407–5414. (2018).
Henri, J., Chagot, M.E., Bourguet, M., Abel, Y., Terral, G., Maurizy, C., Aigueperse, C., Georgescauld, F., Vandermoere, F., Saint-Fort, R., Behm-Ansmant, I., Charpentier, B., Pradet-Balade, B., Verheggen, C., Bertrand, E., Meyer, P., Cianférani, S., Manival, X., Quinternet, M. "Deep Structural Analysis of RPAP3 and PIH1D1, Two Components of the HSP90 Co-chaperone R2TP Complex" Structure., 26(9): 1196-1209.e8. (2018).
Huyet, J., Ozeir, M., Burgevin, M.C., Pinson, B., Chesney, F., Remy, J.M., Siddiqi, A.R., Lupoli, R., Pinon, G., Saint-Marc, C., Gibert, J.F., Morales, R., Ceballos-Picot, I., Barouki, R., Daignan-Fornier, B., Olivier-Bandini, A., Augé, F., Nioche, P. "Structural Insights into the Forward and Reverse Enzymatic Reactions in Human Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase" Cell Chemical Biology., 25(6): 666-676.e4. (2018).
Issa, K.H.B., Phan, G., Broutin, I. "Functional Mechanism of the Efflux Pumps Transcription Regulators From Pseudomonas aeruginosa Based on 3D Structures" Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences., 5: art.n° 57. (2018).
Ciccone, L., Fruchart-Gaillard, C., Mourier, G., Savko, M., Nencetti, S., Orlandini, E., Servent, D., Stura, E.A., Shepard, W. "Copper mediated amyloid-β binding to Transthyretin" Scientific Reports., 8: art.n° 13744. (2018).
Silva, S.T.N., Brito, J.A., Arranz, R., Sorzano, C.O.S., Ebel, C., Doutch, J., Tully, M.D., Carazo, J.M., Carrascosa, J.L., Matias, P.M., Bandeiras, T.M. "X-ray structure of full-length human RuvB-Like 2 – mechanistic insights into coupling between ATP binding and mechanical action" Scientific Reports., 8: art.n° 13726. (2018).
Royappa, A.T., Tran, C.M., Papoular, R.J., Khan, M., Marbella, L.E., Millstone, J.E., Gembicky, M., Chen, B., Shepard, W., Elkaim, E. "Copper(I) and Gold(I) Thiolate Precursors to Bimetallic Nanoparticles" Polyhedron., 155: 359-365. (2018).
Blanc, F., Isabet, T., Benisty, H., Sweeney, H.L., Cecchini, M., Houdusse, A. "An intermediate along the recovery stroke of myosin VI revealed by X-ray crystallography and molecular dynamics" PNAS., 115(24): 6213-6218. (2018).
Dujardin, M., Bouckaert, J., Rucktooa, P., Hanoulle, X. "X-ray structure of alisporivir in complex with cyclophilin A at 1.5 Å resolution" Acta Crystallographica F., 74(9): 583-592. (2018).