Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Pisapia, C., Gérard, E., Gérard, M., Lecourt, L., Lang, S.Q., Pelletier, B., Payri, C.E., Monnin, C., Guentas, L., Postec, A., Quéméneur, M., Erauso, G., Ménez, B. "Mineralizing Filamentous Bacteria from the Prony Bay Hydrothermal Field Give New Insights into the Functioning of Serpentinization-Based Subseafloor Ecosystems" Frontiers in Microbiology., 8: art.n° 57. (2017).
Baquero, E., Albertini, A.A., Raux, H., Abou-Hamdan, A., Boeri-Erba, E., Ouldali, M., Buonocore, L., Rose, J.K., Lepault, J., Bressanelli, S., Gaudin, Y. "Structural intermediates in the fusion-associated transition of vesiculovirus glycoprotein" EMBO Journal., 36(5): 679–692. (2017).
Kefala, A., Kotsifaki, D., Providaki, M., Amprazi, M., Kokkinidis, M. "Expression, purification and crystallization of a protein resulting from the inversion of the amino-acid sequence of a helical bundle" Acta Crystallographica F., 73(1): 51-53. (2017).
Jewginski, M., Granier, T., Langlois d'Estaintot, B., Fischer, L., Mackereth, C.D., Huc, I. "Self-assembled protein-aromatic foldamer complexes with 2:3 and 2:2:1 stoichiometries" Journal of the American Chemical Society., 139(8): 2928–2931. (2017).
Spurny, R., Přidal, A., Pálková, L., Tran Kiem, H.K., de Miranda, J.R., Plevka, P. "Virion structure of black queen cell virus, a common honeybee pathogen" Journal of Virology., 91(6): art.n° e02100-16. (2017).
San Martin, F., Mechaly, A.E., Larrieux, N., Wunder, E.A., Ko, A.I., Picardeau, M., Trajtenberg, F., Buschiazzo, A. "Crystallization of FcpA from Leptospira, a novel flagellar protein that is essential for pathogenesis" Acta Crystallographica F., 73(3): 123-129. (2017).
Fédry, J., Liu, Y., Péhau-Arnaudet, G., Pei, J., Li, W., Tortorici, M.A., Traincard, F., Meola, A., Bricogne, G., Grishin, N.V., Snell, W.J., Rey, F.A., Krey, T. "The Ancient Gamete Fusogen HAP2 Is a Eukaryotic Class II Fusion Protein" Cell., 168(5): 904–915.e10. (2017).
Pulido, D., Briggs, D. C., Hua, J., Hohenester, E. "Crystallographic analysis of the laminin β2 short arm reveals how the LF domain is inserted into a regular array of LE domains" Matrix Biology., 57-58: 1755–1761. (2017).
Frémont, S., Hammich, H., Bai, J., Wioland, H., Klinkert, K., Rocancourt, M., Kikuti, C., Stroebel, D., Romet-Lemonne, G., Pylypenko, O., Houdusse, A., Echard, A. "Oxidation of F-actin controls the terminal steps of cytokinesis" Nature Communications., 8: art.n° 14528. (2017).
Coutard, B., Barral, K., Lichière, J., Selisko, B., Martin, B., Aouadi, W., Ortiz Lombardia, M., Debart, F., Vasseur, J.J., Guillemot, J.C., Canard, B., Decroly, E. "The Zika virus methyltransferase: structure and functions for drug design perspectives" Journal of Virology., 91(5): art.n° e02202-16. (2017).