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E.g., 03/02/2025
Micsonai, A., Kun, J., Wien, F., Lee, Y.H., Goto, Y., Réfrégiers, M., Kardos, J. "Structural characterization of protein aggregates and amyloid fibrils by CD spectroscopy" European Biophysics Journal., 46(Supp.1): S241. (2017).
Micsonai, A., Murvai, N., Bulyáki, É., Szabó, B., Wien, F., Réfrégiers, M., Lee, Y.H., Goto, Y., Han, K.H., Tompa, P., Tantos, A., Kardos, J. "Secondary structure prediction of disordered proteins by CD spectroscopy." European Biophysics Journal., 46(Supp.1): (2017).
Yu, I.M., Planelles-Herrero, V.J., Sourigues, Y., Moussaoui, D., Sirkia, H., Kikuti, C., Stroebel, D., Titus, M.A., Houdusse, A. "Myosin 7 and its adaptors link cadherins to actin" Nature Communications., 8: art.n° 15864. (2017).
Nguyen, V.S., Logger, L., Spinelli, S., Legrand, P., Pham, T.T.H., Trinh, T.T.N., Cherrak, Y., Zoued, A., Desmyter, A., Durand, E., Roussel, A., Kellenberger, C., Cascales, E., Cambillau, C. "Type VI secretion TssK baseplate protein exhibits structural similarity with phage receptor-binding proteins and evolved to bind the membrane complex" Nature Microbiology., 2: art.n° 17103. (2017).
Alvarez Dorta, D., Chalopin, T., Sivignon, A., De Ruyck, J., dumych, T., Bilyy, R., Deniaud, D., Barnich, N., Bouckaert, J., Gouin, S.G. "Physiochemical tuning of potent E. coli antiadhesives by microencapsulation and methylene homologation" ChemMedChem., 12(12): 986–998. (2017).
Heirbaut, M., Lermyte, F., Martin, E.M., Beelen, S., Sobott, F., Strelkov, S.V., Weeks, S.D. "Specific Sequences in the N-terminal Domain of Human Small Heat Shock Protein HSPB6 Dictate Preferential Heterooligomerization with the Orthologue HSPB1" Journal of Biological Chemistry., 292(24): 9944-9957. (2017).
Heinzlmeir, S., Lohse, J., Treiber, T., Kudlinzki, D., Linhard, V., Lakshmi Gande, S., Sreeramulu, S., Saxena, K., Liu, X., Wilhelm, M., Schwalbe, H., Kuster, B., Médard, G. "Chemoproteomics-aided medicinal chemistry for the discovery of EPHA2 inhibitors" ChemMedChem., 12(12): 999–1011. (2017).
Caserta, G., Pecqueur, L., Adamska-Venkatesh, A., Papini, C., Roy, S., Artero, V., Atta, M., Reijerse, E., Lubitz, W., Fontecave, M. "Structural and functional characterization of the hydrogenase-maturation HydF protein" Nature Chemical Biology., 13(7): 779–784. (2017).
Badillo, A., Brechot, V., Sarrazin, S., Cantrelle, F.X., Delolme, F., Fogeron, M.L., Molle, J., Montserret, R., Bockmann, A., Bartenschlager, R., Lohmann, V., Lippens, G., Ricard-Blum, S., Hanoulle, X., Penin, F. "Overall Structural Model of NS5A Protein from Hepatitis C Virus and Modulation by Mutations Confering Resistance of Virus Replication to Cyclosporin A." Biochemistry., 56(24): 3029–3048. (2017).
Tsirkone, V.G., Blokken, J., De Wit, F., Breemans, J., De Houwer, S., Debyser, Z., Christ, F., Strelkov, S. V. "N-terminal Half of Transportin SR2 Interacts with HIV Integrase" Journal of Biological Chemistry., 292(23): 9699-9710. (2017).