Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Borst, A.J., James, Z.M., Zagotta, W.N., Ginsberg, M., Rey, F.A., Di Maio, F., Backovic, M., Veesler, D. "The Therapeutic Antibody LM609 Selectively Inhibits Ligand Binding to Human αVβ3 Integrin via Steric Hindrance" Structure., 25(11): 1732-1739. (2017).
Charenton, C., Gaudon Plesse, C., Fourati, Z., Taverniti, V., Back, R., Kolesnikova, O., Séraphin, B., Graille, M. "A unique surface on Pat1 C-terminal domain directly interacts with Dcp2 decapping enzyme and Xrn1 5′–3′ mRNA exonuclease in yeast" PNAS., 114(45): E9493-E9501. (2017).
Delhommel, F., Cordier, F., Bardiaux, B., Bouvier, G., Colcombet-Cazenave, B., Brier, S., Raynal, B., Nouaille, S., Bahloul, A., Chamot-Rooke, J., Nilges, M., Petit, C., Wolff, N. "Structural Characterization of Whirlin Reveals an Unexpected and Dynamic Supramodule Conformation of Its PDZ Tandem" Structure., 25(11): 1645-1656. (2017).
Jolivet, P., Aymé, L., Giuliani, A., Wien, F., Chardot, T., Gohon, Y. "Structural proteomics: Topology and relative accessibility of plant lipid droplet associated proteins" Journal of Proteomics., 169: 87-98. (2017).
Ferrandez, Y., Zhang, W., Peurois, F., Akendengué, L., Blangy, A., Zeghouf, M., Cherfils, J. "Allosteric inhibition of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor DOCK5 by a small molecule" Scientific Reports., 7: art.n° 14409. (2017).
Guardado-Calvo, P., Atkovska, K., Jeffers, S.A., Grau, N., Backovic, M., Pérez-Vargas, J., de Boer, S.M., Tortorici, M.A., Pehau-Arnaude, G., Lepault, J., England, P., Rottier, P.J., Bosch, B.J., Hub, J.S., Rey, F.A. "A glycerophospholipid-specific pocket in the RVFV class II fusion protein drives target membrane insertion" Science., 358(6363): 663-667. (2017).
Labreuche, Y., Chenivesse, S., Jeudy, A., Le Panse, S., Boulo, V., Ansquer, D., Pagès, S., Givaudan, A., Czjzek, M., Le Roux, F. "Nigritoxin is a bacterial toxin for crustaceans and insects" Nature Communications., 8: art.n° 1248. (2017).
Masoud, R., Serfaty, X., Erard, M., Machillot, P., Karimi, G., Hudik, E., Wien, F., Baciou, L., Houée Levin, C., Bizouarn, T. "Conversion of NOX2 into a constitutive enzyme in vitro and in living cells, after its binding with a chimera of the regulatory subunits" Free Radical Biology and Medicine., 113: 470-477. (2017).
Wiedorn, M.O., Awel, S., Morgan, A.J., Barthelmess, M., Bean, R., Beyerlein, K.R., Chavas, L.M.G., Eckerskorn, N., Fleckenstein, H., Heymann, M., Horke, D.A., Knoška, J., Mariani, V., Oberthür, D., Roth, N., Yefanov, O., Barty, A., Bajt, S., Küpper, J., Rode, A.V., Kirian, R.A., Chapman, H.N. "Post-sample aperture for low background diffraction experiments at X-ray free-electron lasers" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 24(6): 1296-1298. (2017).
Karandur, D., Nawrotek, A., Kuriyan, J., Cherfils, J. "Multiple interactions between an Arf/GEF complex and charged lipids determine activation kinetics on the membrane" PNAS., 114(43): 11416-11421. (2017).