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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Polack, F., Silly, M.G., Chauvet, C., Lagarde, B., Bergeard, N., Izquierdo, M., Chubar, O., Krizmancic, D., Ribbens, M., Duval, J.P., Basset, C., Kubsky, S., Sirotti, F., "TEMPO: a New Insertion Device Beamline at SOLEIL for Time Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy Experiments on Solids and Interfaces" Paper presented at the SRI 2009, 10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Melbourne, Australia, 27 September - 2 October 2009. 1234: 185-188. (2010).
Prigent, P., Bac, S., Blanchandin, S., Cauchon, G., David, G., Fernandez-Varela, P., Kubsky, S., Picca, F., "Instrumentation and Experimental Developments for the Beamlines at the Synchrotron SOLEIL" Paper presented at the SRI 2009, 10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Melbourne, Australia, 27 September - 2 October 2009. 1234: 379-382. (2010).
Bureau, H., Foy, E., Raepsaet, C., Somogyi, A., Munsch, P., Simon, G., Kubsky, S. "Bromine cycle in subduction zones through in situ Br monitoring in diamond anvil cells" Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta., 74(13): 3839-3850. (2010).
Livingston, R. A., Schweitzer, J.S., Rolfs, C., Becker, H.W., Kubsky, S., Spillane, T., Zickefoose, J., Castellote, M., de Viedma, P.G., Cheung, J. "Heavy ion beam measurement of the hydration of cementitious materials" Applied Radiation and Isotopes., 68(4-5): 683-687. (2010).
Nicolaou, A., Brouet, V., Zacchigna, M., Vobornik, I., Tejeda, A., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Le Fevre, P., Bertran, F., Chambon, C., Kubsky, S., Hébert, S., Muguerra, H., Grebille, D. "New electronic orderings observed in cobaltates under the influence of misfit periodicities" Europhysics Letters., 89(3): art.n° 37010. (2010).
Mathieu, C., Bai, X, Gallet, J.J., Bournel, F., Carniato, S., Rochet, F., Magnano, E., Bondino, F., Funke, R., Köhler, U., Kubsky, S. "Molecular Staples on Si(001)-2 × 1: Dual-Head Primary Amines" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 113(26): 11336–11345. (2009).
Schweitzer, J. S., Livingston, R. A., Cheung, J., Rolfs, C., Becker, H. W., Kubsky, S., Spillane, T., Zickefoose, J., Castellote, M., Bengtsson, N., Galan, I., de Viedma, P. G., Brendle, S., Bumrongjaroen, W., Muller, I., Bittnar, Z.; Bartos, P.J.M.; Nemecek, J.; Smilauer, V.; Zeman, J "Progress in Nanoscale Studies of Hydrogen Reactions in Construction Materials" In Nanotechnology in Construction 3 - Proceedings of the NICOM3: 131-138: Springer, 2009. ISBN: 978-3-642-00979-2
Bureau, H., Kubsky, S., Datchi, F., Simon, G., Munsch, P., Gondé, C., Couzinet, B., Chervin, J.C., Siebert, J., Nicolas, F., Delbecq, L., Boukari, C., Bachelet, C., Bouamrane, F., Bouvet, T., Meijer, J., Burchard, M. "Implantation de capteurs dans les enclumes de diamant pour les mesures de pression, température et conductivité électrique in situ" Paper presented at the 6e Forum de technologie des hautes pressions, Batz-sur-Mer, 6–10 Octobre 2008. 37-42. (2008).
Rochet, F., Bournel, F., Carniato, S., Dufour, G., Gallet, J.J., Ilakovac, V., le Guen, K., Rangan, S., Kubsky, S., Sirotti, F. "Nitriles adsorbed on Si(100) at 300K studied via synchrotron radiation core-electron spectroscopies" International Journal of Nanoscience., 6(2): 85–94. (2007).
Bureau, H., Burchard, M., Kubsky, S., Henry, S., Gonde, C., Zaitsev, A., Meijer, J. "Intelligent anvils applied to experimental investigations: state-of-the-art" High Pressure Research., 26(3): 251 - 265. (2006).