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E.g., 17/11/2024
Akikubo, K., Matsuda, I., Schmaus, D., Marcaud, G., Liu, R.Y., Silly, M.G., Sirotti, F., D'Angelo, M. "Observation of an eg-derived Metallic Band at the Cs/SrTiO3 Interface by Polarization-dependent Photoemission Spectroscopy" Thin Solid Films., 603: 149-153. (2016).
Pressacco, F., Uhlίř,V., Gatti,M., Bendounan,A., Fullerton, E.E., Sirotti, F. "Stable room-temperature ferromagnetic phase at the FeRh(100) surface" Scientific Reports., 6: art.n° 22383. (2016).
Naitabdi, A., Fagiewicz,, Boucly, A., Olivieri, G., Bournel, F., Tissot, H., Xu, Y., Benbalagh, R., Silly, M.G., Sirotti, F., Gallet, J.J., Rochet, F. "Oxidation of Small Supported Platinum-based Nanoparticles Under Near-Ambient Pressure Exposure to Oxygen" Topics in Catalysis., 59(5): 550-563. (2016).
Tissot, H., Gallet, J.J., Bournel, F., Olivieri, G., Silly, M.G., Sirotti, F., Boucly, A., Rochet, F. "The Electronic Structure of Saturated NaCl and NaI Solutions in Contact with a Gold Substrate" Topics in Catalysis., 59(5): 605-620. (2016).
Tong, Y., Jiang, T., Bendounan, A., Harish, M.N.K., Giglia, A., Kubsky, S., Sirotti, F., Pasquali, L., Sampath, S., Esaulov, V.A. "Case studies on the formation of chalcogenide self-assembled monolayers on surfaces and dissociative processes" Beilstein Journal Nanotechnology., 7: 263–277. (2016).
Oughaddou, H., Enriquez, H., Tchalala, M.R., Bendounan, A., Mayne, A.J., Sirotti, F., Dujardin, G. "Silicene on Ag(111) and Au(110) Surfaces" In Silicene: Structure, Properties and Applications: 167-181: Springer, 2016. ISBN: 978-3-319-28342-5 (P) - 978-3-319-28344-9 (O)
Wimmer, E., Celasco, E., Vattuone, L., Savio, L., Tejeda, A., Silly, M.G., D'angelo, M., Sirotti, F., Rocco, M., Catellani, A., Galli, G., Douillard, L., Semond, F., Aristov, V.Y., Soukiassian, P. "Comment on “Adsorption of hydrogen and hydrocarbon molecules on SiC(001)” by Pollmann et al. (Surf. Sci. Rep. 69 (2014) 55-104)" Surface Science., 644: L170-L171. (2016).
Head, A.R., Chaudhary, S., Olivieri, G., Bournel, F., Andersen, J.N., Rochet, F., Gallet, J.J., Schnadt, J. "Near Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of the Atomic Layer Deposition of TiO2 on RuO2(110)" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 120(1): 243–251. (2016).
Hajlaoui, M., Sediri, H., Pierucci, D., Henck, H., Phuphachong, T., Silly, M.G., de Vaulchier, L.A., Sirotti, F., Guldner, Y., Belkhou, R., Ouerghi, A. "High Electron Mobility in Epitaxial Trilayer Graphene on Off-axis SiC(0001)" Scientific Reports., 6: art.n° 18791 . (2016).
Sediri, H., Pierucci, D., Hajlaoui, M., Henck, H., Patriarche, G., Dappe, Y.J., Yuan, S., Toury, B., Belkhou, R., Silly, M.G., Sirotti, F., Boutchich, M., Ouerghi, A. "Atomically Sharp Interface in an h-BN-epitaxial graphene van der Waals Heterostructure" Scientific Reports., 5: art.n° 16465. (2015).