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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
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E.g., 18/11/2024
Pierucci, D., Brumme, T., Girard, J.C., Calandra, M., Silly, M.G., Sirotti, F., Barbier, A., Mauri, F., Ouerghi, A. "Atomic and electronic structure of trilayer graphene/SiC(0001): Evidence of Strong Dependence on Stacking Sequence and charge transfer" Scientific Reports., 6: art.n° 33487. (2016).
Henck, H., Pierucci, D., Chaste, J., Naylor, C.H., Avila, J., Balan, A., Silly, M.G., Asensio, M.C., Sirotti, F., Johnson, A.T.C., Lhuillier, E., Ouerghi, A. "Electrolytic phototransistor based on graphene-MoS2 van der Waals p-n heterojunction with tunable photoresponse" Applied Physics Letters., 109(11): art.n° 113103. (2016).
Jiang, T., Tong, Y., Bendounan, A., Nicolas, F., Kubsky, S., Esaulov, V.A., "Selenium and benzeneselenol interaction with Cu(111)" RSC Advances., 6(88): 84627-84633. (2016).
Lablanquie, P., Penent, F., Hikosaka, Y. "Multi-electron coincidence spectroscopy: double photoionization from molecular inner-shell orbitals" Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 49(18): art.n° 182002. (2016).
Saint -Girons, G., Bachelet, R., Moalla, R., Meunier, B., Louahadj, L., Canut, B., Carretero-Genevrier, A., Gazquez, J., Regreny, P., Botella, C., Penuelas, J., Silly, M.G., Sirotti, F., Grenet, G. "Epitaxy of SrTiO3 on silicon: the knitting machine strategy" Chemistry of Materials., 28(15): 5347–5355. (2016).
Pierucci, D., Henck, H., Avila, J., Balan, A., Naylor, C.H., Patriarche, G., Dappe, Y.J., Silly, M.G., Sirotti, F., Johnson, A.T.C., Asensio, M.C., Ouerghi, A. "Band alignment and minigaps in monolayer MoS2-graphene van der Waals heterostructures" Nano Letters., 16(7): 4054–4061. (2016).
Mahler, B., Guillemot, L., Boassrd Giannesini, L., Ithurria, S., Pierucci, D., Ouerghi, A., Patriarche, G., Benbalagh, R., Lacaze, E., Rochet, F., Lhuillier, E. "Metallic Functionalization of CdSe 2D Nanoplatelets and Its Impact on Electronic Transport" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 120(23): 12351–12361. (2016).
Bendounan, A., Aït-Ouazzou, S. "Role of the Shockley State in Doping of Organic Molecule Monolayer" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 120(21): 11456–11464. (2016).
Guan, X., Becdelievre, J., Meunier, B., Benali, A., Saint-Girons, G., Bachelet, R., Regreny, P., Botella, C., Grenet, G., Blanchard, N., Jaurand, X., Silly, M.G., Sirotti, F., Chauvin, N., Gendry, M., Penuelas, J. "GaAs core / SrTiO3 shell nanowires grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy" Nano Letters., 16(4): 2393–2399. (2016).
Spencer, B.F., Leontiadou, M.A., Clark, P.C.J., Williamson, A.I., Silly, M.G., Sirotti, F., Fairclough, S.M., Tsang, S.C.E., Neo, D.J.C., Assender, H.E., Watt, A.A.R., Flavell, W.R. "Charge dynamics at heterojunctions for PbS/ZnO colloidal quantum dot solar cells probed with time-resolved surface photovoltage spectroscopy" Applied Physics Letters., 108(9): art.n° 091603. (2016).