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E.g., 17/11/2024
Tong, Y., Nicolas, F., Kubsky, S., Oughaddou, H., Sirotti, F., Esaulov, V.A., Bendounan, A. "Interplay Between Structural and Electronic Properties in NTCDA Films on Cu(100)" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 121(9): 5050–5057. (2017).
Pierucci, D., Henck, H., Ben Aziza, Z., Naylor, C.H., Balan, A., Rault, J.E., Silly, M.G., Dappe, Y.J., Bertran, F., Le Fevre, P., Sirotti, F., Johnson, A.T.C., Ouerghi, A. "Tunable Doping in Hydrogenated Single Layered Molybdenum Disulfid" ACS Nano., 11(2): 1755–1761. (2017).
Henck, H., Pierucci, D., Fugallo, G., Avila, J., Cassabois, G., Dappe, Y.J., Silly, M.G., Chen, C., Gil, B., Gatti, M., Sottile, F., Sirotti, F., Asensio, M.C., Ouerghi, A. "Direct observation of the band structure in bulk hexagonal boron nitride" Physical Review B., 95(8): art.n° 085410. (2017).
Henck, H., Pierucci, D., Ben Aziza, Z., Silly, M.G., Sirotti, F., Cassabois, G., Ouerghi, A. "Stacking fault and defects in single domain multilayered hexagonal boron nitride" Applied Physics Letters., 110(2): art.n° 023101. (2017).
Bendounan, A. "Adsorption Properties of Xe on Ag/Cu(111) System: Real-Time Photoemission Investigation" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 120(42): 24279–24286. (2016).
Ben Aziza, Z., Henck, H., Pierucci, D., Silly, M.G., Lhuillier, E., Patriarche, G., Sirotti, F., Eddrief, M., Ouerghi, A. "Van der Waals Epitaxy of GaSe/Graphene Heterostructure: Electronic and Interfacial Properties" ACS Nano., 10(10): 9679–9686. (2016).
Crabbé, A.C., Wouters, H.J.M., Mocuta, C., Silly, M.G., Bertrand, L., Terryn, H., Vandendael, I. "De Colorando Auro: researches on medieval colouring techniques using modern analytical techniques". Techné - La revue du Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France., 43: 121-126. (2016).
Tong, Y., Jiang, T., Bendounan, A., Nicolas, F., Kubsky, S., Esaulov, V.A. "Selenium, Benzeneselenol and Selenophene Interaction with Cu(100)" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 120(38): 21486–21495. (2016).
Pierucci, D., Gallet, J.J., Bournel, F., Sirotti, F., Silly, M.G., Tissot, H., Naitabdi, A., Rochet, F. "Real-Time XPS Study of Si(001)-2×1 Exposed to Water Vapor: Adsorption Kinetics, Fermi Level Positioning and Electron Affinity Variations" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 120(38): 21631–21641. (2016).
Ben Aziza, Z., Henck, H., Di Felice, D., Pierucci, D., Chaste, J., Naylor, C.H., Balan, A., Dappe, Y.J., Johnson, A.T.C., Ouerghi, A. "Bandgap inhomogeneity of MoS2 monolayers on epitaxial graphene bilayers in van der Waals p-n junctions" Carbon., 110: 396-403. (2016).