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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
E.g., 18/11/2024
E.g., 18/11/2024
Rochet, F., Carniato, S. "An application of synchrotron radiation electron spectroscopies (NEXAFS and XPS) to the study of molecular adsorbates on silicon: experiments and theory" Actualité chimique., (Suppl. 287): 8-15. (2005).
Izquierdo, M., Davila, M.E., Avila, J., Ascolani, H., Teodorescu, C.M., Martin, M.G., Franco, N., Chrost, J., Arranz, A., Asensio, M.C. "Epitaxy and magnetic properties of surfactant-mediated growth of bcc cobalt" Physical Review Letters., 94(18): art.n° 187601. (2005).