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Gallet, J.J., Bournel, F., Carniato, S., Dufour, G., Rochet, F., Rangan, S., Sirotti, F. "Resonant Auger spectroscopy study of charge transfer phenomena in N is core-excited acetonitrile adsorbates on Si(001)-2 x 1" Surface Science., 601(2): 552-561. (2007).
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Izquierdo, M., Megtert, S., Albouy, J.P., Avila, J., Valbuena, M.A., Gu, G., Abell, J.S., Yang, G., Asensio, M.C., Comes, R. "X-ray diffuse scattering experiments from bismuth-based high-T-c superconductors" Physical Review B., 74(5): art.n° 054512. (2006).
Sanchez-Royo, J.F., Pellicer-Porres, J., Segura, A., Gilliland, S.J., Avila, J., Asensio, M.C., Safonova, O., Izquierdo, M., Chevy, A. "Buildup and structure of the InSe/Pt interface studied by angle-resolved photoemission and x-ray absorption spectroscopy" Physical Review B., 73(15): art.n° 155308. (2006).
Bournel, F., Carniato, S., Dufour, G., Gallet, J.J., Ilakovac, V., Rangan, S., Rochet, F., Sirotti, F. "Adsorption of acetonitrile (CH3CN) on Si(111)-7x7 at room temperature studied by synchrotron radiation core-level spectroscopies and excited-state density functional theory calculations" Physical Review B., 73(12): art.n°125345. (2006).
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Izquierdo, M., Avila, J., Roca, L., Gu, G., Asensio, M.C. "Polarization effects in photoemission disentangle the origin of the shadow bands in Bi-based superconductors" Physical Review B., 72(17): art.n° 174517. (2005).
Baudelet, F., Belkhou, R., Briois, V., Coati, A., Dumas, P., Etgens, V.H., Flank, A.M., Fontaine, P., Garreau, Y., Lyon, O., Quinkal, I., Rochet, F., Roy, P., Sauvage, M., Sirotti, F., Somogyi, A., Thiaudière, D. "SOLEIL a new powerful tool for Materials Science" Oil and Gas Science and Technology., 60(5): 849-874. (2005).
Izquierdo, M., Roca L., Avila, J., Gu, G., Li, Z.Z., Raffy, H., Asensio, M.C. "Effects of the doping and the number of planes on the shadow bands of Bi-based cuprates" European Physical Journal B., 46(3): 309-314. (2005).