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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Jagtap, A, Goubet, N., Livache, C., Chu, A., Martinez, B., Greboval, C., Qu, J., Dandeu, E., Becerra, L., Witkowski, N., Ithurria, S., Mathevet, F., Silly, M.G., Dubertret, B., Lhuillier, E. "Short Wave Infrared Devices Based on HgTe Nanocrystals with Air Stable Performances" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 122(26): 14979–14985. (2018).
Pierucci, D., Zribi, J., Henck, H., Chaste, J., Silly, M.G., Bertran, F., Le Fevre, P., Gil, B., Summerfield, A., Beton, P.H., Novikov. S.V., Cassabois, G., Rault, J.E., Ouerghi, A. "Van der Waals epitaxy of two-dimensional single-layer h-BN on graphite by molecular beam epitaxy: Electronic properties and band structure" Applied Physics Letters., 112(25): art.n° 253102. (2018).
Pressacco, F., Uhlíř,V., Gatti,M., Nicolaou,A., Bendounan,A., Arregi,J.A., Patel,S.K.K., Fullerton,E.E., Krizmancic,D., Sirotti, F. "Laser induced phase transition in epitaxial FeRh layers studied by pump-probe valence band photoemission" Structural Dynamics., 5(3): art.n° 034501. (2018).
Boucly, A., Rochet, F., Arnoux, Q., Gallet, J.J., Bournel, F., Tissot, H., Marry, V., Dubois, E., Michot, L. "Soft X-ray Heterogeneous Radiolysis of Pyridine in the Presence of Hydrated Strontium-Hydroxyhectorite and its Monitoring by Near-Ambient Pressure Photoelectron Spectroscopy" Scientific Reports., 8: art.n° 6164. (2018).
Henck, H., Ben Aziza, Z., Pierucci, D., Laourine, F., Reale, F., Palczynski, P., Chaste, J., Silly, M.G., Bertran, F., Le Fèvre, P., Lhuillier, E., Wakamura, T., Mattevi, C., Rault, J.E., Calandra, M., Ouerghi, A. "Electronic band structure of Two-Dimensional WS2/Graphene van der Waals Heterostructures" Physical Review B., 97(15): art.n° 155421. (2018).
Livache, C., Goubet, N., Martinez, B., Jagtap, A., Qu, J., Ithurria, S., Silly, M.G., Dubertret, B., Lhuillier, E. "Band Edge Dynamics and Multiexciton Generation in Narrow Band Gap HgTe Nanocrystals" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces., 10(14): 11880–11887. (2018).
Naitabdi, A., Boucly, A., Rochet, F., Fagiewicz, R., Olivieri, G., Bournel, F., Benbalagh, R., Sirotti, F., Gallet, J.J. "CO oxidation activity of Pt, Zn and ZnPt nanocatalysts: a comparative study by in situ near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy" Nanoscale., 10(14): 6566-6580. (2018).
Lettenmeier, P., Majchel, J., Wang, L., Saveleva, V.A., Zafeiratos, S., Savinova, E.R., Gallet, J.J., Bournel, F., Gago, A.S., Friedrich, K.A. "Highly active nano-sized iridium catalysts: synthesis and operando spectroscopy in a proton exchange membrane electrolyzer" Chemical Science., 9(14): 3570-3579. (2018).
Mir, W.J., Livache, C., Goubet, N., Martinez, B., Jagtap, A., Chu, A., Coutard, N., Cruguel, H., Barisien, T., Ithurria, S., Nag, A., Dubertret, B., Ouerghi, A., Silly, M.G., Lhuillier, E. "Strategy to overcome recombination limited photocurrent generation in CsPbX3 nanocrystal arrays" Applied Physics Letters., 112(11): art.n° 113503. (2018).
Labat, M., Brubach, J.B., Ciavardini, A., Couprie, M.E., Elkaim, E., Fertey, P., Ferte, T., Hollander, P., Hubert, N., Jal, E., Laulhé, C., Luning, J., Marcouillé, O., Moreno, T., Morin, P., Polack, F., Prigent, P., Ravy, S., Ricaud, J.P., Roy, P., Silly, M.G., Sirotti, F., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Tordeux, M.A., Nadji, A. "Commissioning of a multi-beamline femtoslicing facility at SOLEIL" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 25(2): 385-398. (2018).