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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Ferré, S., Peinado, A., Garcia-Caurel, E., Trinité, V., Carras, M., Ferreira, R. "Comparative study of SiO2, Si3N4 and TiO2 thin films as passivation layers for quantum cascade lasers" Optics Express., 24(21): 24032-24044. (2016).
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Bazin, D., Letavernier, E., Haymann, J.P., Méria, P., Daudon, M. "La place de la physicochimie en urologie et en néphrologie : le bilan de 10 ans de collaboration entre physiciens, chimistes et praticiens hospitaliers" Progrès en Urologie., 26(11-12): 608-618. (2016).
de Marcellus, P., Fresneau, A., Brunetto, R., Danger, G., Duvernay, F., Meinert, C., Meierhenrich, U. J., Borondics, F., Chiavassa, T., Le Sergeant d'Hendecourt, L. "Photo and thermochemical evolution of astrophysical ice analogues as a source for soluble and insoluble organic materials in Solar system minor bodies" Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society., 464(1): 114-120. (2016).
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Fernández, E., Hostachy, S., Sandt, C., Rodríguez, G., Bertrand, H.C., Clède, S., Cócera, M., de la Maza, A., Lambert, F., Policar, C., López, O. "Monitoring bicosomes containing antioxidants in normal and irradiated skin" RSC Advances., 6(76): 72559-72567. (2016).
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Clède, S., Cowan, N., Lambert, F., Bertrand, H.C., Rubbiani, R., Patra, M.
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Bergonzi, I., Mercury, L., Simon, P., Jamme, F., Shmulovich, K. "Oversolubility in the microvicinity of solid-solution interfaces" PCCP - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics., 18(22): 14874-14885. (2016).